Good Katatonia Songs?


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
So I'm a big Opeth/Amorphis fan and fans of both bands seem to love Katatonia so I thought I'd give them *another* chance. A while back I heard some of their songs but they seemed rather dull to me.

But I do want to give them another if you guys could name just a few(3-5) songs I could *gasp* download I'd really appreciate it :D

Try to gimme some variety...something old, something new, something catchy and something true(hell I duno)? Just name off some good songs :D

Download these five songs:

The Future of Speech
I Am Nothing

Those are five songs from five different albums I really liked the first time I heard them, they really stood out for me. They're all very catchy sounding with catchy choruses and killer guitar work. And they're all very crushingly sad. Wow, what a great band.

Growled tr00 songs: "Gateways of Bereavement", "Nowhere"
Catchy: "No Good Can Come of This", "Criminals", "Clean Today"
Überemotional: "Gone", "Tonight's Music", "The Future of Speech"
New: "Evidence", "Omerta"
Old: "Deadhouse", "Last Resort"
You gotta hear "Teargas" of the "Last fair deal gone down" album.

It's not neccesarily their best song, but its nearly impossible not to like at the first listen.
daimonion said:
You gotta hear "Teargas" of the "Last fair deal gone down" album.

It's not neccesarily their best song, but its nearly impossible not to like at the first listen.

I loved Teargas on first listen, of course, by the time I got LFDGD I'd already heard everything before it, and Katatonia was my fav band, so they couldn't do anything wrong by my books. And Dispossession is another good one from LFDGD. MY first Katatonia song was For My Demons.
hey, Elek, that was exactly what happened to me.
when i first listened to "discouraged ones" about 5-6 years ago, it sounded really boring...
but now i like it a well as the other new-katatonia releases.

as i am also a big amorphis fan, (though i did not love the last 2 albums)
i'd recommend you to get "last fair deal gone down" or "tonight's decision" albums; they are filled with melodic melancholic riffs...very inspired stuff. "discouraged ones" is very good too, but not very catchy's a disc to listen when you wanna go down...and the latest one, "viva emptiness" is very dynamic and should get this in the end...try this, i guess you'll get a great perspective from katatonia.

see ya!