Question on Katatonia songs

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Well, the question is in terms of how to tune the guitar for their songs. I'm looking at tablature sites and, while most of the tablature is wrong on the majority of songs, some of it is accurate. With the Katatonia I've found, most of the music is in standard tuning or Drop D.

Is this accurate?

Also, does anyone happen to know how the songs are tuned on The Great Cold Distance? I play bass and I'm looking to learn some of the basslines on these songs.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I know they used to be in E flat for sure. They most likely use lots of tunings from standard on. The last two cds have some lower tunings like D, possibly drop C or even C.
You can write depressing songs in any tuning. But it's a little harder to sound dark cuz the lower tunings naturally have that feel.