Good live tom mics


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I'm putting together a mic request list for a weekly gig I do. I've pretty much got everything down aside from tom mics.

I'm pretty clueless as to what the good, unobtrusive live ones are. I've seen a ton of really tiny clip-on ones that pull a monster sound, and if you guys could drop some model names that'd really help.
JCRG said:

Hope that was sarcasm. For some reason they actually are in the current mic kit. I would never dream of using them live.

Thanks for the recommendation for the Sennheiser ones, I'll check them out.

The current drum mic kit is Audix PG-equivalent sort of thing. The kick actually isn't half bad. It gets a half-assed D6 sound, depending on the bass drum. It's an F12 or something. The tom mics are F10s and there's even some F15 overheads.
Those F15's aren't bad actually... I used them on the hat/ride of a recent session, I preferred the RODE NT-1's the band had for OH's, though.

In a live situation, the F15's will work fine, and the tom's will work well, too. The snare I'd replace with a 57, and honestly replace the kick mic, as well.
UUooopps didnt see the live thing, I had just woken up.
A little big I.
I put in a request for a higher end Audix drum mic kit. It's up to the promoter whether he really wants to shell out for it. The F15s are useless as it's a small venue and there's no need for overheads at all. I'm usually pumping everything else through FOH to be heard over them.

So I'm hoping for a D-6, i5 on snare, D-2s and D-4 on toms (never heard anything about the tom mics, but if its in a kit, it makes it easier for the promoter).
Id go with the E604s rather than the Audixs as they can be postioned a bit more discretely and are a bit more robust. The Audixs sound great but are more likely to break if they get lumped by an inconsistant drummer.