Good parametric EQ's?

Bootsy BootEq mkII is a cool freebie, sounds great.
EDIT : with cash : the SSL channelstrip are cool, I also love the Flux ones but don't have them. Seems that the Oxford Eq is a highly rated one. You can't fail taking one of them.
Yerr i thouht the Parametric EQ's were good but i've never tried any others so don't really know what im missing out on , if you understand me?
I'm not looking for anything in particular just a cheap or free parametric EQ so i can actually hear the quality differences between various EQ's so i can hear the good and the bad
It seems there is almost no difference between all basic EQs, and you will start to notice difference only with the best EQ. If you don't wanna spend so much into an EQ, just find the one that you like in terms of workflow and feeling. I personnally like channelstrips and I feel good using them so I ended using the SSL channel, but I started with bootsy eq because of the feeling I had using its GUI. I did not hear any difference between it and the stock eq I had in Cubase SX3 at that time. I heard differences only with the few best EQs, when you start to cut or boost a lot.
To offer nothing to the conversation and just regurgitate what has alread been said. All cheap linear eq's will sound the same. You won't notice a difference until you get up into the higher priced analog (outboard and console) simulated EQ's.

If you have the cash, the SSL plugins are definitely a good buy, very easy and conformable to work with, have a good sound and offer a pleasing amount of harmonic saturation.
Usually all the basic eq:s sound the same, the ones that have "character" (causes distortion etc) are usually the ones that replicate some analogue gear.

+1 - exactly what i was going to write - an eq is simply there to boost or cut a frequency - anything that adds color to your tone like distortion or compression is emulated after some old gear like neve tonalities etc. so if your looking to emulate some example warm creamy tonalities then eq might not be what your looking for. maybe some tube compression emulators or something like that
Yeah actually these are pretty good eqs. I don't care for his compressor though.

Me neither. I'm still looking for a nice cheap/free comp. I don't like Reacomp for percussion in general, although its transparency suits fine for vocals and general no-so-agressive dynamic control