Good site for learning your chords/Acoustic theory


New Metal Member
Aug 13, 2016
I play acoustic guitar myself, though I never really bothered to study up on the theory behind what I'm actually doing. Does anyone know a website that clearly explains the chords and theory from the ground up? I'm looking for something oriented towards acoustic players. If anyone could recommend any sites or channels, that would be great and I'd appreciate it.
Wow good on you mate, you must be bored as fuck posting that drivel on a Saturday night. Good on you champ, now go get a fucken life you peasant.
I've had my life thank you very much, but, please, do get more enraged, I love it when butthurt faggots overreact to my jokes. Seriously though, has a guitar manual not occurred to you?
''Seriously'', fuck off cunt you're a waste of my time. You're the only faggot I see on this thread.
But who's time is it anyways? Certainly not your's, you don't build doggy doors and leashes for Father Time, do you now? Or perhaps you do? Then what does that make you? A paranoid schizo... or a morally corrupt slavedriver? "You're the only faggot I see on this thread" But am I the only one other than yourself? Methinks not. Horrible that you won't know he's coming, he's a wonderful fellow and I would so love for you to meet him. Ah well, such is life.
Hello MortalCoil, I know a website that clearly explains the chords and theory from the ground up, I am also a new Guitar learner When Searching To learning basic guitar chords and their theory I found this site: this site has many tutorials you want know Guitar chords, rhythms, theory etc. I think this website is helpful for you.
Just block people like HP. Lovecraft. There are simply trolls on here. Just have some backbone and block these types of members.

This has really helped me over the years!

It works with Audacity, which is free (It's a donation program). Make sure you have the VSTBridge.dll installed in the plugins folder for Audacity. Have Vamp Plugins folders in both Program folders too; (x86) and the other.
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