New To Guitar, Have a Question

Dec 3, 2008
Hello everyone. So my best friend just got a new $2000 guitar and a new amp and he gave me his old guitar and amp for safekeeping and so I could teach myself guitar, which is something that I've wanted to do for a pretty longtime.

Now here's the thing. I'm an absolute beginner. I also have no money to spend on books or dvd's or even better yet, lessons.

I'm wondering if there is some sort of website online JUST FOR METALHEADS that has a lot of very detailed guitar lessons starting from absolute beginners all the way up? The reason I ask just for metalheads is because I know myself very well and know that I will get incredibly bored if I'm learning songs by like, Taylor Swift or somebody I don't care about. I'd rather play endless scales than learn a song I don't care about or learn things like major chords that don't really ever get used in metal, because at least with scales that's how you become good at soloing and improvisation and shit.

There used to be a site around called themetalsessions taht I was a part of, but I guess it's disappeared? It's a shame, but I guess you could say I'm looking for something along those lines. A FREE website of some sort entirely dedicated to metal guitar FROM THE GROUND UP.

I have no idea what the hell I'm doing so I have no lesson plan. I don't know what it is I do and don't need to know. I'm such a beginner that I can't even hold the pick the right way! :P

I tried looking for beginner lessons on ultimate guitar but it seemed like most of them were dedicated to general guitar and not specifically to metal, and I got bored rather quickly of that. Is there any sort of database or youtube channel or website or ANYTHING full of lessons for metal guitar from absolute fresh beginner status upwards?

Thanks so much!
Not too spend money too much dude, just follow my 'lil brother way... he impress me on his 1st gigs after he learn guitar for 3 months... damn..! you know what he read? "easy too bluff: Metal Gutar by Joe Bennett" it price only $2 in discount price or $7 on Amazon,if you well smart just like my brother you can made great Riff but you'll cannot play your favorite band songs... in this case you just can play your own song because in that book you will only learn metal riff and how to create metal riff and play it..!
i taught my self everything i know about guitar,drums,bass,and programming all i did for guitar is learned all of my scales and keys and devloped my own finger excosizes to get strength and speed in my fingers to play im the lead guitarist in a big northern new york band.
and if you look up tabs and learn to read them (very easy) youll also get a better understanding on how to put ruffs and chords together.
i taught my self everything i know about guitar,drums,bass,and programming all i did for guitar is learned all of my scales and keys and devloped my own finger excosizes to get strength and speed in my fingers to play im the lead guitarist in a big northern new york band.
and if you look up tabs and learn to read them (very easy) youll also get a better understanding on how to put ruffs and chords together.

I know how to read tabs, thankfully.

Um, what scales do you suggest learning first? I mean I have no clue about which ones are good to start learning as a beginner or which ones are more advanced, lol.

Also my guitar is in dropped d. I can tune a guitar but I'd prefer to not have to. If I wanted to play a scale in Dropped d, do I just teach it to myself using the same tabs, or should I really transpose it in Guitar Pro or something?
I recommend using the D melodic minor descending. It is for metalcore core with melodicness to it!

(D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,D) that is the scale, play with that and make riffs man.

ps, learn where all the notes on the fret board as best as you can, and it comes much easier and more natural. Make sure to get a stuff bunny to look at to help motivate you! good luck my metal friend
You say you'll get bored of Taylor Swift or someone else trying to teach you guitar, but only wanna know how to play metal. Well, that's not gonna work.

If you don't learn the anatomy of guitar from somewhere (which is the purpose of those videos and all), you can't learn any style.

I recommend you get prepared to spend some huge time on your guitar play skills and try to learn everything to get the feeling of guitar. After 3 months of nonstop practicing or so, maybe you can get to a point where you discover your style and proceed from that point.
I know how to read tabs, thankfully.

Um, what scales do you suggest learning first? I mean I have no clue about which ones are good to start learning as a beginner or which ones are more advanced, lol.

Also my guitar is in dropped d. I can tune a guitar but I'd prefer to not have to. If I wanted to play a scale in Dropped d, do I just teach it to myself using the same tabs, or should I really transpose it in Guitar Pro or something?

As boring and "oldschool" as it may be, the first scale to learn should be the pentatonic scale. The "blues" scale is the most important because no matter if you want to go anywhere..... be it the death metal extreme to the progressive metal extreme, you don't need to forget how to put "emotics" in your playing.
After you can play some solos using that scale, then you can learn scales that are more directed to your musical style. Harmonic minor is also a common "metal" scale that has been used forever as well.

My friend gave me advice. This is from a pro player.
Learn the 7 scales, in all modes.
After you learn scales, it's easy from there.
And practice all the time. You don't have to as much as my friend, he says he plays 8 hours a day or so. Great for him, but I think even one hour is better than none.

Anyways...dedicate yourself, become obsessive if you have to! hehe!
It is a TON of work. Even what you think is not "metal" can be eventually, learn everything you can. Search the hell out of the net, you'll find stuff.

I've barely scratched the surface. I play bass better than guitar...LOL...

Monochrome is right. Play nothing specific for awhile, then you can find out what works for you. I've been at bass for a year or so, only just attempting something metal but it's simple bass lines (Holy Diver) You don't dive right into solos or complicated parts...slowly, surely, study hard, you'll get there. My pro friend wasn't suddenly amazing after a day of playing.
Try out "". There's a bit of everything there, and a lot of metal too!
It's free to watch the videos, but if you want to get backing tracks, tabs and so on, you have to subscribe. I don't remember exactly how much it is for half a year, but I thought it was worth it!