Good sites for crust/hardcore/grindcore reviews/band information?

Perdition's Light

dinosaur jr.
Apr 5, 2004
Maybe something similar to Metal Archives only hardcore punk-related? Yes, I tried fucking google but it mostly links me to online distros or some page that reviews sum 41 and green day and that shit.

thanks in advance for all the insignificant bullshit that is about to be posted by people trying to be "clever" because they think hardcore means As I Lay Dying.

possible thanks to someone that can be of assistance, but that's highly unlikely.
Tried to get some info from the fags in the HARDCORE/PUNK room on slsk, but they're almost as retarted as most of the black metal chat room. I decided to let them be hardcore over the internet and find my information elsewhere.

Anyhow, still hoping someone might have an idea. Wikipedia was good for a general list of bands, but most of them are probably insignificant and shit, and even if not, I have no idea what albums are actually worth giving a chance.
Perdition's Light said:
Tried to get some info from the fags in the HARDCORE/PUNK room on slsk, but they're almost as retarted as most of the black metal chat room. I decided to let them be hardcore over the internet and find my information elsewhere.
I think you mean retarded. :loco: