Good Thrash from the past 15 years...


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
I'd like to know some good thrash albums from that this time period. (1994-2009, just in case your Randy Moss is acting up...)

I'm not really interested in death/thrash or black/thrash... as I already know plenty of it and I've always ignored the straight forward style.

Educate me.
Mantic Ritual - Executioner is my favorite recently, as you probably know if you've seen me talk about thrash coming out lately. It's not "kvlt" but it's fucking excellent, and highly recommended.`
Bastardator. They're on Morbid Moon Records, who I just posted about on my blog. The next few reviews I do will be from MMR, and I'm hoping after I get some more readers I can land a review with the label.