Goodbye to Jen?

Thanks for all the kind words guys!

"Talent Search 04" news will be exciting indeed. I can't wait for the day when I can enjoy some chicks playing Maiden while relaxing on the side lines and drinking a brewski. That will be a trippy day indeed since thus far I've only been able to observe such a thing on video or through my own eye balls...and THAT's got to be a skewed perception.
cycosuicide said:
Well...I will miss ya up there, Jen. I'll have a brewski with you. In fact, let's have a whole posse sit and drink a brewski with ya. Cheers! :rock:

Hey FRO (aka "Bruce Chickinfro"), have YOU sent in your promo package to the Maidens for consideration? Your vocal performance of Wrathchild at Metal Jam 2003 was classic! BTW: where is the goddamn DVD of Metal Jam 2003?!!
I was gonna see the ladies kick the audience's asses on Halloween, but due to the fires in the area it was cut. I didn't get a "last Iron Maidens gig featuring Jen". I'm quite sad for this. The Maidens will still go on and I'll be there (when the house isn't in danger of burning down) for my Maiden fix. I'll miss Jen's performances and personality coming out on stage. She has a fan in me for any gig she plays.:worship:
bestwestranger said:
Damn, I knew I should have went to that. Instead I chose to sit on the floor and watch a Bon Jovi concert at a freinds house. Why do I do these things?

Shirley you know why? ha ha j/k

Hey, I felt the same way when Iron Maiden hit Denver last summer on their tour "Well, DoD tour will hit there again, so no need to drive 8 hours". Later to my regret...

I'm glad I meet you all here in Salt Lake. It was a fun two night, and thank goodness there is always the DVD :)

Bruce Chickinson said:
Thanks for all the kind words guys!
"Talent Search 04" news will be exciting indeed. I can't wait for the day when I can enjoy some chicks playing Maiden while relaxing on the side lines and drinking a brewski. That will be a trippy day indeed since thus far I've only been able to observe such a thing on video or through my own eye balls...and THAT's got to be a skewed perception.

I was so surprised when I saw this! At least I got to open for The Maidens while Jen was the singer, it was a blast. And of course I'm still going to see them play. Take care Jen, thanks for letting NNN Click Click/Shimp Dimpsey/Dirtcorps/Anti-Chrysler open for you!! LOL, we stuck with Anti-Chrysler by the way.

Drummer Dave