Goodbye to Jen?

As a fan... I can't help but not like change.
So, I'm bummed.

As a musician... I've been down this road many many times.
Sometimes they were clean, and sometimes they were down right dirty.
So, I understand the need for change.

Glad to see there hasn't been any public mudslinging.

I'll miss Jen in the Maidens.

I would have loved to have seen a farewell show, like the when Bruce decided to leave Maiden and they had that magician come out and make him disappear.

That would have been cool as shit! Attendance would have been "through the roof, baby!"
Yes, she captured the essence to a T. We will not be trying to replace Jen, but rather recruiting a new person to fill the role of a Maiden tribute band singer.
It will be different, but it will be fun stuff.:)

Yes Armando, change, the necessary evil, can suck royal ass, but is a beast that raises its ugly head from time to time just when you least expect it. ;) But, life goes on. :headbang:
I thought something was up. I was actually going to post 'Where's Chickinson Been?' Anywho ~ good luck to both parties and regardless of what lead to the split I'm glad there were no online trashings from either side (a nice change).
Sad to see Jen go and that super cool skull belt buckle she wore, and I'm wishing her well in her new endevour, she will do well. I also hope the best is yet to come for the senoritas in the band. :)

You rolled those nights
to the guitar bites

Hail hail to the good times
'Cause you rocked the right way

From one Parent to Another ........... I salute you!
From One Rocker to Another ........... I salute you!

You rocked at dawn on the front line
Like a bolt right out of the blue

From One Parent to Another ........... I salute you!
From One Rocker to Another ........... I salute you!

And For those who will continue to Lift the Irons ........... I salute you!

Darkmatter said:
It is very odd to hear of Jen's departure from the Maidens. What prognostications, if any, do you have for her replacement? She's an incredible vocalist and truly captured the essence of Maiden. I can't see her being replaced.
Actually, if you think about it, it's not odd at all. As I understand it, the band originally started as just a side project for most of it's members. It was just supposed to be for fun with a gig every now and then. Well, demand exceeded expectations and soon we were being offered gigs all over the place. More gigs meant more time away from home and loved ones....this can be a hardship if one has a family ~ particularly if you are caring for a child with special needs like Jen is.
As far as replacements go, there are many great female vocalists out there and we have heard some exceptionally gifted people. We fully intend to keep the show at or above the performance level that you all expect.
Stay tuned...
SciKikMobster said:
As a fan... I can't help but not like change.
So, I'm bummed.

As a musician... I've been down this road many many times.
Sometimes they were clean, and sometimes they were down right dirty.
So, I understand the need for change.

Glad to see there hasn't been any public mudslinging.

I'll miss Jen in the Maidens.

I would have loved to have seen a farewell show, like the when Bruce decided to leave Maiden
and they had that magician come out and make him disappear.

That would have been cool as shit! Attendance would have been "through the roof, baby!"
I didn't get the impression that Jen would be able to do a farewell show when she gave her notice. But don't fret...maybe she'll surprise us one day at a gig and offer to sit in on a song or two ....
Change is a drag sometimes but there is nothing that can be done ..except keep going.
SciKikMobster said:
Unfortunately, my last theIM's show with Jen on vox was the LA Gates Of Metal set... which was cut short. I never got a chance to say good bye. :cry:
Damn! that was a while ago... :(
my last IM's show was at Canes in December, when I found out that she was leaving. Great show :)
Steph Harris said:
Actually, if you think about it, it's not odd at all. As I understand it, the band originally started as just a side project for most of it's members. It was just supposed to be for fun with a gig every now and then. Well, demand exceeded expectations and soon we were being offered gigs all over the place. More gigs meant more time away from home and loved ones....this can be a hardship if one has a family ~ particularly if you are caring for a child with special needs like Jen is.
As far as replacements go, there are many great female vocalists out there and we have heard some exceptionally gifted people. We fully intend to keep the show at or above the performance level that you all expect.
Stay tuned...
Believe me, I know all about that. I guess it surprises me because I always saw her as the driving force in the Maidens. She's always been very gung-ho on all aspects, she was a marketing machine. I'm sure it must be difficult for her too to have to let go of something so important, but when family beckons it takes priority over everything for sure, because family is all we have left when all is said and done.
Darkmatter said:
........but when family beckons it takes priority over everything for sure, because family is all we have left when all is said and done.
Amen to that Darkmatter. Well said. Family is the absolute most important gift in life. Never, ever take family for granted.
True true...

Family always comes first.

A hard, but ultimately correct decision to have made.

We'll miss you Jen. All the best.

And to the band, we eagerly await news of the Talent Search 04 :)
