gore/grind death metal "disciple" should come here....


Head Bangers and Lacerato
Mar 5, 2002
at the west of heaven,MALAYSIA
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this is my first appereance since my reply was stucked by some computer connecting........ok...back to our main topic,what is your favourite brutal grind/gore/death metal's band?? maybe deicide is one of the legendary brutal death metal's band,but i was noticed that disgorge is one of the most brutal and totally gore metal band in US..........tell me your interest.......
yes...some of your thread make me agree.......yeah....totally i like to listening old-Napalm Death or old-deicide or old-carcass........and cannibal corpse is the only death metal's band that still maintain with their fast and brutal melody!!! yeahh...keep it always,man!!!!

p/s:im my country,there are many brutal band around here.........and their great influence and strong inspiration is come from cannibal corpse,kataklysm,deicide,lockup(yeahh!!),napalm death,brutal truth,demisor,agathocles or carcass and many more.......
anyway....the best band i like to listen is:

old-napalm death
brutal truth
cannibal corpse
limit of niscient (is it right spelling??)
murder corporation
deranged (same man)
braindead(our malaysian brutal death assault!!)
rotten corpse(indonesian brutal sick death metal)

...and many more....
Early Bolt Thrower, in particular 'Realm of Chaos' is great, I love that album.

Lockup's first album was really good. Haven't tried the new one, as I didn't like the vocalist when he was with ATG, so I'm a bit unsure....

Oh, does the last Napalm Death count?? I thought that was killer too.
well,i already listening the old material of lockup......pelsure pave sewers....the best music grinding style with some black metal elemen in their concept....yes....but i never listen the new one.....have you listen it??what i know is the lockup vox has change.....what his name?lindburg? at the gates's vox??is it their music more brutal than the old one??
machetazo...one of the great grind band.......but we all know that lee dorian has made a new band known as CATHEDRIAL.......doom metal with some black sabbath style.............is it he still growling in his new band??i never listen his new band's material......
i'm not understand what do you say about "hippy flower-power"....WHAT DA HECK IS THAT??.....totally,i like to see lee dorian with napalm death.........but it's good now when nick barney take it the position........(not good for his former band,benediction!!)