My reviews of Death Metal bands Blood, Haemorrage and Fleshcrawl


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
BLOOD (Germany)
Blood were originally a Grindcore band but ever since the start they mixed the sounds of Death' with the sounds of Grind', it's that unique blend of sound which makes Blood so good. Blood are easily one of the best and most influential Death Grind bands around. The music of the band is short and ferocious with the heavy pummeling of drums while the lyrics are morbid and infuse very well with the music.

The greatest Gore Death band of all time, the music will make you pale and make you shiver. The lyrics are of a very grotesque elements but it's the album covers which will put you off your tea and make you have nightmares forever, usually their covers are very gross (much more so than Cannibal Corpses) and controversial.

This band is amazing, it is a fine blend of German and American Death Metal with a unique sound and a bit of everything in(Gore, Nihilism, Thrash e.t.c). This is the band to check out if you're just getting into German Death Metal.

What do you think to my reviews?
Sounds good. The only one I have CDs from is Fleshcrawl (Soulskinner and Descend Into The Absurd). Descend Into The Absurd sounds like earlier US death in the vein of Incantation, and Souskinner sounds like early Enrombed or Dismember. Somewhere along the line they started playing old school Swedish style death metal. Great band. I will need to check out Blood and Haemmorage, as I haven't heard any of their music yet.