10 best Death Metal bands

IncinerateDrummer said:
If you like Cryptopsy, Nile, Deeds Of Flesh......you will totally like us then. We have been compared to those bands in almost every review. Look for the new CD 4th quarter 2004.

Awesome! I'll give you my feedback later tonight man. :kickass: :)
Profånity said:
You're all discriminating against Germany, why are you not putting any German bands?
Because their Thrash scene ruled, not Death.
But if I were to name one.......Morgoth
IncinerateDrummer said:
If you like Cryptopsy, Nile, Deeds Of Flesh......you will totally like us then. We have been compared to those bands in almost every review. Look for the new CD 4th quarter 2004.

Great stuff man!!! :kickass: Keep pumping out music like THAT!
Profånity said:
ps-I class Goregrind as Death Metal anyway.
Grind =/= Death METAL.
Goregrind =/= Death METAL
Melodic Death Metal =/= Death Metal.


I don't care who you are or what bands you like, Morbid Angel should be on any Top 10, 5, 6, 8, 3 or whatever, Death Metal list.
Spawn Of Possession
AtThe Gates
The Red Chord

Wow that was easy