Which country makes the best Metal?

Life Sucks said:
I changed my mind. Germany.

death metal: Fleshcrawl, Obscenity, Profanity, Atrocity, Morgoth, Disbelief, Disillusion, Spawn, etc.

black metal: Moonblood, Nachtfalke, Nagelfar, Nachtmahr, Nargaroth, Katharsis, etc.

power metal: Blind Guardian, Helloween, Grave Digger, Gamma Ray, Iron Saviour, Primal Fear, etc.

thrash: Kreator, Destruction, Sodom, Dew Scented, Assassin, Final Breath, etc.
you forgot angel dust :rock:
Norway. We've got an incredible black metal scene (best in the world as far as I'm concerned), even though we're a country with just 4.5 million inhabitants. Also, our post-black/experimental metal scene is very interesting.

Black metal/viking metal: Emperor, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Immortal, Satyricon, Burzum, Enslaved (up to "Mardraum"), Gorgoroth, Gehenna (their first 3), Limbonic Art, Taake, Ulver (their earliest offerings), Dimmu Borgir, Tidfall, Windir, Einherjer, Ragnarok, Obtained Enslavement, Kampfar, Old Man's Child, Kvist, Perished, Tartaros, Troll, Twin Obscenity etc.

Death metal/related: Blood Red Throne, Myrkskog, Chton, Cadaver, etc.

Experimental/post-black/other: Solefald, Manes, Arcturus, Extol, Ulver, Kovenant, Dødheimsgard, Dimension F3H, Fleurety, Green Carnation, In The Woods, Mortiis, Winds, that new band whose name I cannot remember, with, amongst others Lazare (Solefald) and Hellhammer.