Which country makes the best Metal?

Profånity said:
What are you stupid? or retarded?

The only good bands to come out of Norway were Black Metal bands, you have a case for it being the best country at producing BM but not Metal as a whole.

Swedish Death is sometimes overated but they produce a lot of quality Metal and bands like Opeth and Therion rule.

Polish Metal is underated. The BM is the best in the world and the DM has no originality or nothing new and there isn't a good variety of Metal other than Death and Black.

Germany produces the best Power Metal, Death, Thrash, Industrial and the best selection of Metal.

UK suffers now from the British Brain Drain Theory for Death and lacks quality bands developing. Historically the best.

South America is not a country.

You said best metal, so im sticking with my original and still say Norway, they do make great black metal, hence forth its on the list, i dont care if you think they make bad industrial metal or whatever you call it, they clearly made a name for themselves.

As for that last one south america, yeh its not a country and your right i should take that off my list, that was wrong on my part.
You forgot to add Ad Hominem, Sombre Chemin, Pogrom, and Gestapo 666... I probably forgot some too.
Norway is definatly my favorite, being big time into black metal. Borknagar, Burzum, Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir, Einherjer, Emperor, Enslaved, Mayhem, Old Mans Child, Satyricon, Thorns, Ulver, Zylcon, Arcturus, Theatre of Tragedy, Tristania, Green Carnation, In the Woods, and probably a ton more I havn't found out about yet. But a high percentage of my favorite metal bands are from Norway.

USA is second and Sweeden is third.
Sweden at the moment, becuase I've been obsessed with Dawn, Dissection, Naglfar, and Setherial as of late.

And of course my favourite DM band is from Sweden. Insision.
ill have to say America followed by followed by Americas bitch, england.

personally i cant stand too much of the eurotrash metal except hammerfall and mercyful fate
Nothing can compare to the US's East Coast IMO, when it comes to death metal

Dying Fetus
Morbid Angel
Cannibal Corpse
Malevolent Creation
Misery Index

......MOST of the best death metal bands of all time
I think it mostly will have to do with one's preference in metal. If your into death metal, its probably gonna be the USA. If your into melodic death, Sweden. Black Metal, Norway. Doom Metal, England (or maybe Finland). Well anyways you get the point... I could be totally off on this and I'm positive there is a lot of accpetions, but never the less...
Well, it depends. I think US makes the best brutal DM. But other then that I think it's Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway and Poland.
I must go with Finland also. While I love Norwegian black metal, Swedish metal, some good ol' USA metal, Finland has such a range; they go from bands like Rotten Sound to Beherit to Children of Bodom to Sargeist to Sonata Arctica to Stone and everything in between. Music to fit every mood!