gorgoroth vs. poland


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Oct 29, 2002
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Norwegian black metal band GORGOROTH are being investigated in Poland for causing religious offense after a show that included dozens of sheep heads on stakes, a literal blood bath and a naked, crucified woman, newspaper Aftenposten reports.

The concert in Krakow was broadcast by state TV station TVP and the resulting scandal was the center of attention in Polish media, according to Aftenposten. The band are now being investigated for causing religious offense, which is punishable by up to two years in prison.

The police are also considering an investigation of cruelty to animals.

"On stage there was blood everywhere. About ten decapitated sheep heads and naked people, alive, on large crosses," TVP director Andrzej Jeziorek told newspaper VG. "Everyone was painted with 100 liters of sheep blood. Also there were Satanist symbols everywhere. One of the hanging female models fainted and an ambulance had to be called,".

Jeziorek said that the TVP staff were shocked and reported the show to police.

"This kind of thing should happen on state TV and especially not in Krakow, which is the Pope's city," Jeziorek said. Jeziorek wanted to halt the concert but feared a riot from enthusiastic, bloodied fans who had paid for tickets.

The band were recording a concert DVD and had promised fans a very special show in Poland, and had rigged the stage behind curtains to keep the content secret.

Recent troubles with sects and Satanist groups have made the issue especially sensitive in Poland.

Here are links to several other media reports on the incident:

NRK (Norwegian)
Bergensavisen (Norwegian)
VG (Norwegian)
Die Presse (German)

Photographic and video footage of the controversial concert has been posted online at this and this location.

-from blabbermouth

*scratches head*
LOL! I love my country :D

And since when Krakow is pope's city??? Btw I heard about 100 goat's heads :loco:
I read about this. I actually wish the guys the best. While over in Bergen, I had the pleasure of meeting King ov Hell my first night there at Garage and having some beers. Very nice guy. The next day I met with him and Infernus, who was also very polite and nice(both are very smart), for some talk and an interview. I also got to do the same with Tormentor(ex Gorgoroth and in a band called Orcustus with Infernus).

Sure they may have different views of the people of the city but it's them expressing those views. If the city can express their views, they should be able to, also. In the US that kind of thing happens often; usually some bit of nudity or some language gets through on TV and wham, it's all over the new and lawsuits are flying.

I stand by Gorgoroth for standing by their views; again I hope they get out of this ok. I had some more contact with the fellows for awhile after I came back; they were always really cool.
well, to some it's over the top, to others it's expression. To each their own there.

What gets me is that I see those hardcore christians standing on the corner near where I work sometimes with pictures of abortions, and little pamphlets with the same, handing them to LITTLE kids, like 8 years old. Not to mention they are shoulding at cars with megaphones calling the entire city murderers and heathens, saying they will go to hell. They don't get questioned for things like that; and are allowed to do so; yet Gorgoroth does for doing a concert with different beliefs and they risk jail for it. It doesn't make sense to me; well, except that I guess they are strict in the pope's hometown.

I guess my feelings stand that is one group is allowed to go over the top(in my example, the evangelical christians), then why not a group of opposing beliefs.
Yeah Ralf :D


Actually I found it very ridiculous that the director of that show produciton was directly connected with a church institution. I really laughed my balls off when a priest told on the evening news that the gig was more like a black mass or a satanic ritual than a specially directed and arranged show. :p And it was very funny to read in the next days newspaper that there was "Satan on TV" , no shit that was the first page of my local newspaper :lol: I could not believe that ppl are doing something like this.

I had a link to some shorts of that gig but the admin seems to remove this website :p

My country is obviously too catolic and religious but I have never heard that the Kraków is a Pope's city :lol:
I remeber when Dogma was in Theaters... Thousands of old grandmas started invaded cinemas and wanted it to be taken off :D
I remember one of them was asked what is so horrible in that movie, she said that it hurts her religious feelings, when the reporter asked what exactly hurt her she said: "I don't know, I didn't watch it..."
Ralf said:
I remeber when Dogma was in Theaters... Thousands of old grandmas started invaded cinemas and wanted it to be taken off :D
I remember one of them was asked what is so horrible in that movie, she said that it hurts her religious feelings, when the reporter asked what exactly hurt her she said: "I don't know, I didn't watch it..."
yeah, that happened here too. so many "good christians" i know made such an uproar about that movie and what an abomination it was when they had never even seen it and kept telling me not to watch it. i ended up watching it and it was one of the funniest movies ive ever seen. so it poked fun at the catholic church, i never understood why people got their panties in such a wad about it.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
what's the use of impaling goats and crucifying naked women on stage if their guitar player plays a Gibson Lespaul?! :lol:

i mean, how untr00 is it to play black metal with a semi-acoustic looking guitar!??! :lol: :p
[DEFENDING LES PAULS]There's a pic of Allu posing with a Les Paul, btw... ;)
It was a poster in the French "Hard'N'Heavy" magazine some time last year...

And by the way: Zakk Wylde plays Les Pauls, and so does Mick Murphy (My fucking Ruin).

Conclusion: Les Pauls are FUCKING HEAVY METAL!!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
So why don't play *black* metal on them, too?;) ;) ;)
SilentNightThrobbongNight said:
and crucify naked goats.

Aren't They always naked?

You dont exactly see a goat with spikes, tight leather trousers, a CoF teeshirt and a spike on the nutsack.
The Lantern Nut said:
[DEFENDING LES PAULS]There's a pic of Allu posing with a Les Paul, btw... ;)
It was a poster in the French "Hard'N'Heavy" magazine some time last year...

And by the way: Zakk Wylde plays Les Pauls, and so does Mick Murphy (My fucking Ruin).

Conclusion: Les Pauls are FUCKING HEAVY METAL!!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
So why don't play *black* metal on them, too?;) ;) ;)

Lets see....

Lespauls ...

Weigh a fuck lot...
No floyd Rose...
Look gay.
Sound Gay.
Look Gay.
Are made by gibson.

I rest my BC Rich Hardcase.