got a new amp!

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
yep, just brought this baby home

so far I don't really know how to dial it in and mic is to do it justice, cause it sounds great in te room.
so this clip is FAR from showing halway what the amp is capable of.
Cab was Marshall 1960 mics were 57+201

don't expect modern br00tz

more thrash

I know, too much gain and I should stay away from the dustcap a bit...better clips will follow

here's a more modern one with different settings and through the Mesa Cab (quadtracked)...sorry for the sloppy playing.

more modern

settings still not perfect...pretty much everything at noon, so I need to tweak a bit more from here (bass is still a bit boomy etc).

it also seems to be biased extremely cold, I'll adjust that also in the next days....that'll get rid some of the rather fizzy crossover distortion
this is the 2203KK btw.
I'll try to record some better clips with the Mesa Cab later

Jesus christ, really? The top end totally made me think Sansamp, though that could be more from the T75's - looking forward to hearing through the Recto cab! (and once you really find your settings, of course)
can we get some clean sounds too? :)
and marcus, that top end totally made me think NOT sansamp haha. but i couldnt think what else it would be
Hahahaha, this is your go-to tone test riff isn't it Lasse :D Pretty cool, I don't find it boomy, but rather especially fizzy honestly; I know of course fizz cuts in a mix and disappears with other instruments and blah blah blah, but it just seems especially pronounced here compared to, say, those recent 'stein tests of yours (similar to the 6k I struggle with in my Recto recordings)
Hahahaha, this is your go-to tone test riff isn't it Lasse :D Pretty cool, I don't find it boomy, but rather especially fizzy honestly; I know of course fizz cuts in a mix and disappears with other instruments and blah blah blah, but it just seems especially pronounced here compared to, say, those recent 'stein tests of yours (similar to the 6k I struggle with in my Recto recordings)

yep, got palmmutes, chords and single strings....and it's easy to remeber ;)

I think this fitt is rather typical for marshall (compare to Exodus' Tempo for example). I could turn the presence down a bit but I think it'll sit nicely in the mix with some of the fizz.

I'll get rid of some of the "crossover-distortion" fizz when I bias it properly in the next seems to be witch-tit-cold atm
the best thing about it was the price.....client of mine works in this bigass musicstore in germany and I got the kk fpr 800€ (new!!)....pretty good score I'd say ;)