Got me a bass


Feb 20, 2005
And I think it's pretty cool - Yamaha RBX4 A2 from a dude on craigslist for $250


The big gimmick with this (besides the LED knobs, and yes, the tone knob doesn't light up, kind of annoying) is their Alternative Internal Resonance technology (AKA A.I.R.)

Yamaha Marketing Spiel said:
A.I.R. combines lightweight and resonant softwoods sandwiched between harder tonewoods creating an instrument loaded with sustain and tone while maintaining an ultra lightweight construction. Already proven in the RGX line,Yamaha now offers this sustain and tone in the RBX line with the RBX4 A2.

It also has three "sound tubes" going from the bridge to the other end of the body that transmit vibrations to all the layers of the wood. Here's the Yamaha page for it, there's a little flash animation that shows a cross-section type deal for it.

And it definitely does resonate well; it's incredibly loud even when unplugged, far more than most basses I've played (never played a really high-end one though), but one thing that gives me pause is on low notes (especially an open low-e) it has this sorta strange harmonic overtone quality to it that almost makes it sound like it has a chorus on it. Here's a random improvised noodling clip of the DI smashed to hell and mixed with the same track duplicated and with TSS on it (mixed in a bit lower), and then both to a bus with a pretty epic cut at 300 Hz. Basically, do you think that sorta chorus-like effect will be noticeable in a big mix? I don't have a guitar in standard right now, so I can't test it with them.

I read A LOT of positive reviews of this sucker before buying it, and overall I think it's pretty cool, but we shall see!

EDIT: And here's that same clip 100% raw
And here's a youtube review of it that I think shows it off pretty well:

And James, you're quick dude :D Thanks for the positive feedback man!
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Haha, yeah, typical bass reviewer :lol: And actually no, it's totally passive, the battery is strictly for the LED's! :loco:
Nice bass Marcus! I wonder how it'd fare compared to the Agile I sent you on MSN a while back. When my friend gets it ('cause he ordered it :D) I'll tell you how it plays.
Hate to break it to you, but.... me hopes it was new atleast.

Yeah, totally new and not a scratch or blemish on it (even came in the original cardboard with all case candy) - and they don't make the black one anymore, so I'd say I got a good deal!

Phil, thanks dude, looking forward to seeing/hearing what your bud gets!

Dan, yeah dude, it's definitely inherent to the body design I guess cuz I made sure to mute the other strings (I'm thinking it's those hollow resonance tubes going through the bridge). The real question is whether it will be audible to the point of being annoying in a mix; I hope not!
And you can kinda hear the chorus-y sound when he plays the strings individually in the vid (though it's not as prominent since he's not using a pick) - but man, I really can't stress enough how light this thing is! (lighter than my Ibanez :yow: )
i seriously doubt it would be detrimental to a mix. but it does have a very specific sound because of that chorusy sound, one that probably wouldn't work well with too much overdrive. still a good sound, and light basses are much more fun to play.

if you are just recording direct, you should try out these ampeg bass cab impulses: - Ampeg SVT 8x10.7z i use them quite a bit when recording direct.

they are the 5th ones down here:
My $.02 says it's because of those tubes. Maybe filling them with rolled up fabric or something and try it out, see if that helps.

Maybe it's catching the high end harmonics with new strings?
Good call Andrew, I was thinking the same thing, gonna futz around with said tubes tomorrow. And they are new strings, but new strings are supposed to sound better... :confused: Dan, thanks a ton for those! :headbang:
I actually think the guitar versions of those look really really cool. Sorta like from the future or something.

Congrats, dude!
Thats a very good bass, played one before and i really like it.
Ps: your eyes looks like a paedophile rapist tho o_O