Got me a bass

It sounds really nice. I don't reckon it would be a problem in the mix. I guess the "blocking the tubes " will defo. change the sound though
The big gimmick with this (besides the LED knobs, and yes, the tone knob doesn't light up, kind of annoying) is their Alternative Internal Resonance technology (AKA A.I.R.)

It also has three "sound tubes" going from the bridge to the other end of the body that transmit vibrations to all the layers of the wood. Here's the Yamaha page for it, there's a little flash animation that shows a cross-section type deal for it.

And it definitely does resonate well; it's incredibly loud even when unplugged, far more than most basses I've played (never played a really high-end one though), but one thing that gives me pause is on low notes (especially an open low-e) it has this sorta strange harmonic overtone quality to it that almost makes it sound like it has a chorus on it.

So, basically it's made of plywood?? Plywood with big holes in it? Sound like the biggest load of marketing shite I've ever heard.

And stop me if I'm on the wrong track but surely an extremely resonant body is NOT a good thing as this is inevitably going to be absorbing the resonance of the strings, killing the sustain and affecting the fundamental tone. Some of the best basses on the market are made of VERY dense materials (hardwoods, carbon-fibre or solid Acrylic) for exactly that reason.
So, basically it's made of plywood?? Plywood with big holes in it? Sound like the biggest load of marketing shite I've ever heard.

And stop me if I'm on the wrong track but surely an extremely resonant body is NOT a good thing as this is inevitably going to be absorbing the resonance of the strings, killing the sustain and affecting the fundamental tone. Some of the best basses on the market are made of VERY dense materials (hardwoods, carbon-fibre or solid Acrylic) for exactly that reason.
Lots of basses have a different top and back than the body wood... I wouldn't call a fodera 'plywood.' Granted this is a variation on that concept but that doesn't make it wrong either. My only complaint is they don't tell you what the woods are.
And for the record I have never heard a carbonfiber or acrylic bass that I would pay money for.
Is this gimmicky... well yeah, but that doesn't discount the fact that it may actually work-- or that maybe it doesn't but it still sounds like an ok bass. Personally I'm as interested in this as I am in the emulation guitars fender and line6 are cranking out.
Yeah, my feeling on it is it's like a decent ported monitor vs. a massive sealed enclosure (or 2.1 system) - you get most of the benefits and it *almost* delivers the goods as well as the real deal, but there's a price to pay (with ported monitors, inaccuracies in the whole bass range and a steep roll-off; in the case of this bass, the slight chorus effect)
But seriously, I may be something of a bass tone n00b, but in both my clip and the vid, I hardly think fullness of tone or prominence of the fundamental is an issue! ;)