Got myself an E-cigg

Glenn, I know where you come from, but it was difficult for you because you expected it to be.
@The op, if you need a substitute, you are making it harder for you by perpetuating the fallacious idea that it's hard to quit.
as cheesy and pseudo psychological it sounds /reads....
Alan Carr!

I quit with that book, so did my ex GF and my fiancee....both thought it wasn't difficult at all.

I did leave a full ashtray standing around in my appartement for a week though....whenever I thought I wanted a smoke I just smelled the ashtray and was reminded immidiately that this is not really a taste I like.

I actually was at an all-night-party with live gig and lots of beer just 3 days after I quit....still didn't feel the urge in that most dangerous situation.
@Burny - I'm an advocate for the belief in mind over matter. Applying to any situation, not just smoking. If I didn't trust my own will power I wouldn't have lasted the first week cold turkey. I was born with an oral fixation. I've bitten my nails since I was old enough to remember and I'm always aware of the way my mouth looks when I talk to people. It's weird I know, but it's true.

The mind may be powerful enough to break any habit but unfortunately it's powerful enough to create them too. I've "quit" one time for six months, and another time for 4 months and have obviously gone back. My problem is, is that after say 6 months I think to myself "my addiction's over with - I can have one and be alright" but thats not the case. I'll have one on friday and by monday I'm back to a pack a day.

In a few weeks, I may be able to put the E-cigg down but 6 months from now when I'm in that situation again, The E-cigg will always be there to keep me from making that mistake again.
This is not about will power. You don't need a great deal of will power to quit.
You need to have the right state of mind.

Like Lasse said. Read that fucking cheesy book.( I think it's Allen Carr, not Alan ). It's the most retarded thing you'll ever read but it works.
I quit smoking cold turkey after smoking for 7 years.

For all those who say it's hard to quit, nothing is MAKING you smoke.
It's up to you, and you have to want to quit.

I learned that from trying to quit myself. After about 4 years of smoking, i told myself i was going to quit, but i never did because i didn't want to.
I know i needed to, but i really didn't want to.

After 7 years, and numerous times of "trying to quit", i finally said... "WTF am i doing? I don't want to do this shit anymore."

From that point on, it's seriously as easy as NOT PUTTING A FUCKING CIGARETTE IN YOUR MOUTH. :)
Necrothread bump! I just ordered myself one of these:

As some of you might remember, I've tried to quit a couple of times. I even tried the Alan Carr book. At first I thought it was awesome, then it became rather irritating and in the end the guy just seemed like a huge douche ("Now that you're at it, you might be interested in my other books such as Lose weight, Stop jacking off and Get some friends you nerdy loser!"). I did quit for six months, though, just to show I didn't need his bullshit to quit :lol:
I smoked for about five years and I quit on Chantix.
Alot of people are afraid to take it because of the "possible side effects" but the only thing it did was give me rank farts for a week.
Well worth it!
Necrothread bump! I just ordered myself one of these:

As some of you might remember, I've tried to quit a couple of times. I even tried the Alan Carr book. At first I thought it was awesome, then it became rather irritating and in the end the guy just seemed like a huge douche ("Now that you're at it, you might be interested in my other books such as Lose weight, Stop jacking off and Get some friends you nerdy loser!"). I did quit for six months, though, just to show I didn't need his bullshit to quit :lol:

I have one of these and I can tell you that they work, and work brilliantly! I smoked for about 7 years, and not just social smoking, 25grams of golden Virginia in 2/3 days kinda smoking. I started using an ecig and never smoked again after day one with it. I still have a nicotine dependency but I'm a lot healthy for it, no coughs, tight chest, grotty throat in the morning or constantly stinking of stale smoke. I actually tried to smoke "analogs" again as a challenge to see if I liked them, and I couldn't stand them. The downside is you look like an idiot with an e-cig so I tend to keep it out of sight or people. If you have any questions about them or need advice give me a shout I will be happy to help you out.
i quit 6 months ago and didnt use anything except will power to get through it, its unrealistic to think ill ever go my whole life without another but i used to smoke alot so compared to how i was im doing great,
a few guys on this forum gave me some cool advice including danlights, dont like the idea of e cigs at all, the habit of having something to do with your hand was the hardest thing for me
I have one of these and I can tell you that they work, and work brilliantly! I smoked for about 7 years, and not just social smoking, 25grams of golden Virginia in 2/3 days kinda smoking. I started using an ecig and never smoked again after day one with it. I still have a nicotine dependency but I'm a lot healthy for it, no coughs, tight chest, grotty throat in the morning or constantly stinking of stale smoke. I actually tried to smoke "analogs" again as a challenge to see if I liked them, and I couldn't stand them. The downside is you look like an idiot with an e-cig so I tend to keep it out of sight or people. If you have any questions about them or need advice give me a shout I will be happy to help you out.

Hey, glad to hear that! In my case it's not even the nicotine dependency, as I know it'll go in a couple of hours, but I absolutely love the habit. I love having a cup of coffee in front of me on the balcony, tasting the tobacco, puffing smoke out of my mouth and watching the world go by. It can be incredibly soothing. So yeah, I'd love to keep the habit AND my health :)

And I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually kinda looking forward to puffing harmless water steam while laying on the couch or in the studio working on an album :lol:
Hey, glad to hear that! In my case it's not even the nicotine dependency, as I know it'll go in a couple of hours, but I absolutely love the habit. I love having a cup of coffee in front of me on the balcony, tasting the tobacco, puffing smoke out of my mouth and watching the world go by. It can be incredibly soothing. So yeah, I'd love to keep the habit AND my health :)

And I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually kinda looking forward to puffing harmless water steam while laying on the couch or in the studio working on an album :lol:

Its propylene glycol vapour :) I don't want to put to much of a downer on it but e-cigs and coffee don't taste as good, Its like taking your pod xt to a gig where everyone's got valve amps. Its just not the same as real cigs and coffee on one of these cold misty mornings, the kind when you can see your breath and there's mildew on the grass, nothing can beat that, its heaven.

One thing I would say is if your not that nicotine dependent I would really urge you to not use an e-cig and just give up cold turkey. There designed to be a replacement to cigs and not a way of giving up nicotine.

Man, I'm really glad I grew up thinking cigs were stupid as hell.
Now I realize they really are. From the viewpoint of a non smoker, they really just seem like a crutch. And they cost too much.

Totally! cigarettes a f**king stupid! however its a hard habit to kick once you start so never starting is the best thing!
i'd LOVE to smoke one of these instead of the real thing, but i'd HATE to be the first one to do it, not just of my friends but anyone. seriously i've known about these for a few years now and i'm yet to see one, or at least acknowledge seeing one.

this webstore that sells chinese shit called sells e-cigs for low prices, i think the lowest kit was around $10. with no postal charges, one would think you wouldn't lose much ordering one, but making a habit out of inhaling a $10 electronic device sounds a little risky to me.
Saw a guy behind the counter at a local video game store smoking one of these.... I was confused as hell at first! Lol. I don't think they look stupid at all though... kinda cool actually. Overall I'm glad I never smoked.
Its propylene glycol vapour :) I don't want to put to much of a downer on it but e-cigs and coffee don't taste as good, Its like taking your pod xt to a gig where everyone's got valve amps. Its just not the same as real cigs and coffee on one of these cold misty mornings, the kind when you can see your breath and there's mildew on the grass, nothing can beat that, its heaven.

Yeah, I'm not expecting it to be a carbon-copy of analog cigs, but it's ok :) Anyway, this is more of a test for me. I'm not saying "that's it, I'll never smoke again" before I've even held an e-cig in my hand.

One thing I would say is if your not that nicotine dependent I would really urge you to not use an e-cig and just give up cold turkey. There designed to be a replacement to cigs and not a way of giving up nicotine.

Nah, been there, done that, missed the habit like crazy. The nicotine pangs were never a biggie for me, on the contrary I felt absolutely excellent physically. That's why I'm giving these a go. I ordered a couple of small bottles of 8mg light liquid and one 14mg medium, and if I like it, I'll give the non-nicotine liquids a shot! :)
I've read that e-ciggs are still cancerogen

"The American Association of Public Health Physicians has come out in support of electronic cigarettes, saying "A cigarette smoker can reduce his or her risk of future tobacco-related death by 98% or better by switching to a low risk smokeless tobacco product. He or she could cut that risk by 100% or better by switching to a nicotine-only delivery product like one of the pharmaceutical products or E-cigarettes."

No doubt they still might pose similar threats to one's health as traditional cigs, but keep in mind, hot dogs, doughnuts, processed meat, french fries and chips have all been reported as possibly cancerous foods.
Alright, got my starter kit today. So far I'm impressed, this is actually pretty cool :lol: So far I've only tried the LF (Dekang?) Highway liquid, and I was really surprised of the taste. Everyone said there aren't any liquids that taste like proper tobacco, but in my opinion this stuff tastes exactly what a fresh pack of Camels smell like. Awesome!

I did notice even the 14mg liquid is a tad bit heavy for me (even though I've smoked reds 20-a-day for the last six years), so I'm gonna order some nicotine-free and 8mg liquids next.