Anyone got any insight on this mess?

dude, i was in a very similar situation about 4 months ago, my band had been together for about 3 years prior with no member changes, we were all best friends, but our drummer had the same temper problem, threating to punch other members in arguments over nothing, saying he would change his ways but really just pushed all the problems aside instead of dealing with them. just building up the stress and drama for everyone.

2 other members never practiced there instruments but still seemed to keep up at practice... so we just kind of decided to deal with it, everyone except me and my vocalist would choose to spend there money on pot, and beer.. smokes...

so, after so many talks to try and make things better we just could not take waiting anymore..

what i dicided to do was tell them all one by one different days at a time that we were splitting up, all the time my vocalist and i put into songs, countless hours up late at night wrighting new material, trying to push ourselves further and further as musicians..

all of the material wasted because we didnt want to deal with the drama of actually just kicking out the members like we should have and finding more compitent ones...

just do it dude, its totally not worth losing your music that you guys have written, i know how you feel about fighting man, i used to do whatever it would take for fights not to happen..

but if it came down to it again, if i had to fight to keep my hard work then i would.
this is kinda close to home for me, as i had a problem with substance abuse (coke and oxycotin) it almost ruined my life. i had my own place, a band, real friends and a good job (still do) i almost lost it all due to the same type of shit. maybe talk to them as friends about this issue, as you may be taking away the only thing they care about (its hard to care about anything in this state) also, they may also lose their only real friends who really care about them, and not just partying. so i would confront them. maybe their too far gone, but explain why your kicking them out, because you care about them and the band. then they have to understand. have an emo heart to heart bro, its the only answer (respectable anyways)

i understand why your pissed (ive been in your position too, had a drug addict singer who would always be late for gigs, and mooched of us big time.) but talk to them. that is if they are your friends.
Let them read this. If that doesn't help, tell them you have a booked a tour with Zappacovers.
I think you're overcomplicating things... Leaving the band to found a new one would probably mean giving up the name, the songs (or some of them) and the reputation you have gained with your band. I think that's quite a huge price to pay to avoid a possible fight...
I know this isn't an easy situation - luckily I've never had to deal with drug addiction problems but I've faced various other unpleasant things, from the guy suddenly missing all rehearsals & not answering on the phone just to bang his new girlfriend, to the one who doesn't practise enough and blames everyone aggressively to distract our attention. But if the three of you all agree on the fact that those two assholes should be fired... then just do it, by any means, but don't give up what you've built, they don't deserve that. Here's what I would do at least...
Well, to emphasize what I meant by "quit and reform" a little more, it meant to quit and then reform with two guys in thier place. The name of the band is mine, the music is mine and the other guitarists, save for the lyrics which would go with us also. It is a bit of a backstab, and in hindsight, it's really prolonging the inevitable reaction on thier behalf. Maybe prolonging it will lessen the sting of thier backlash, but the resentment would last. Not to sound conceited or anything, but this band IS the best band in town, and it does house some of the best musicians: if they *were* to try and continue without us, noboby in this town would be able to fill the guitarists shoes. I don't think what we play is incredibly difficult, but there really isn't anyone else around here who are as adept at guitar as my other guitarist and I....especially in the circle of friends that our bassist and drummer have.

The issue isn't thier use of drugs. The issue is the priorities are not on the same page: 3 of us are in it for the music and the art, the other 2 are in it for the parties and the spotlight. The drugs are one thing that are part of the whole equation that have added to being a problem. Even moreso of an issue than the drugs are the drug-heads that come over while we are practicing on a regular basis, asking for us to play shit like "Seek And Destroy" and those two wanting to stop everything and play it for them because they want to impress thier wetbrain friends...when the other 3 of us say "Sorry, this isn't request hour. We are trying to work on OUR music", the other two throw a small tantrum.
People come over, and those two have to stop and fraternize...usually to drink or get hooked up.
The three of us write music and bring it in, and our bassist puts down his bass and walks off saying "I don't know that song, I'm not going to stand here and look like an idiot"...followed by our drummer deciding he's gonna go to the store to buy a case of beer. So I take the stuff home, record a simple bass line and slap some EZDrummer DFH track over it so *the rest of us* can hear what it will sound like in context. I bring it in and say "well, this is what it will potentially sound like once things come together on it...but you guys should really come up with your own part on it. Write a sick bassline! Write some better drums for it" and they say OK, but in the end they just learn what I wrote for it because they are more in the mindset of learning covers.
We slave away trying to write songs and those two don't want to write, they want to gig. We tried to tell them "we have to look more at the big picture, there is more to this than just playing a show" but they don't care. When it comes to the gigs, we make on average about $100 a show: I have provided the vehicle to get at least a few members and the equipment to the show. At first, we all agreed it would be better to put the money we make into the gas tank instead of splitting it evenly, that way we don't have to fork as much out of pocket for gas to get to gigs...down the line, those two whine about money while I end up pulling from out of pocket to top off whatever other expenses we end up with. I ended up pulling from my own pocket for Martriden to have sufficient gas money to get to the next town, and was then asked if we made anything because they wanted smokes or some shit.
We agreed to have merch made, so we can start making some money to put towards the band and do shit like record (a couple of us very badly wanted to record our first disc with Dave Otero, for example): our bassist gave all of our first batch of shirts away with no remorse...and they were all to his friends.
Our drummer won't do half of anything for upkeep on his drums unless he has no more choice, and its usually because he hopes one of us will buy it...which I had to learn not to do over time because I wanted our band to sound and look decent instead of having broken ass equipment all the time, but it was really just reinforcing his behavior.
The music we have written has been watered down mostly to level the playing field for those two because when we try to throw anything remotely progressive at them, they are instantly turned off and often allude to that "nobody is going to get it, it's too busy". Meanwhile, half the kids that show up to our gigs are wearing Dream Theater, Rush, and Dragonforce shirts.

Bottom line is that they only care about themselves and not the collective effort. Every band they have been in has amounted to nothing more than a party band bashing out some Metallica covers and getting fucked up. This band has brought those two more than any other band they have been in or ever will be in, and it's more-or-less because I'm tired of being in shitty bands so I do what I have to in order to make things happen. They could really care less if they end up doing something else, in reality. They are more worried about being the rockstars of our tiny and pathetic's a small expansion on dudes being more worried about being the most popular band in high school, because those two have fried thier brain from comprehending much more than that a long time ago. As long as all thier friends are around, they feel like kings of the world...while the rest of the band get pissed because our vision of taking things much further keep getting held back. The only further thought they really have on pushing our music ahead to a more professional realm is that they are lost in this KISS/Iron Maiden/Metallica arena tour illusion that we will get signed anytime now and never have to work again because we will have everything laid out for us. It's simply never going to happen...that doesn't keep the rest of us from pouring our heart into our music, but you all know what I mean. Those two have ended up to be nothing but backsliders who want to just stick around for the glory without doing anything to earn it. It's gotten old.

I'm not afraid to fight them, I don't need any pointers or lessons on how to kick someones ass...I would just like to avoid it, because with my background I'd probably end up going to jail for dishing a relentless beating. I'm not bragging, I'm not saying I'm as good as your favorite fighters or whatever, and I'm not saying I can win every fight or anything like that...I'm saying that I was taught to defend myself using extreme means to end a conflict in as short of time as possible, which pretty much means I'm not going to stand there with my dukes up. I'm not willing to exercise such use of force on an acquaintance unless they flip the lid on me. I'd like to avoid the scenario entirely.

Another avenue we thought about before, and may end up implementing is the ultimatum: Things have to change, you can either make that change or we need to find someone else interested. We actually did try to convey this to them in the past, but didn't really know how to get this across without pointing fingers and having them lash out. The main issue is that, like most people in this town, there is a fighter pride. A lot of folks here tend to handle things by getting in brawls or destroying others property. I would like to think I'm more mature than that, but considering I've had a fist cocked back at me before over a band squabble by a guy that is 17 years older than I am (just one example), I have a good idea what thier reaction is going to be. If it was as easy as saying "you're fired", that would have already happened. Because of that roadblock, putting serious thought to how to avoid a fight has really overcomplicated the situation and left things up in the air.
Well, we fired them last week. Yesterday, my other guitarist and I went over to our old practice space (bassists house) to pick up some of our gear. He let my other guitarist grab his amp, but when I started grabbing one of my p.a. cabs, he ran over and started shoving me while yelling "get the fuck out of my house, I should call the cops, your lucky I don't fuckin deck you, bla bla bla" since, technically, if someone says "get out of my house" then you kinda have to, I turned around and walked out. If it came down to the wire, he pretty much assaulted me (it would hold up if I pressed charges) by shoving me back the way he did. He wouldn't let any of *my* equipment out the door (p.a. cabs, a couple guitar pedals, and an Iron Cobra double pedal), yelling about some shit that in two years, I had to have been pocketing all the money we made and that I have to answer for that since they hadn't seen a dime. Do the math: every gig we played, we made $100. We had to travel no less than 1 hour to get to the gig, and 1 hour to get back. After the gig, we'd always grab a bite...usually at the rhythm sections request. $30-40 for grub leaves $60-70 for gas to get the band and the gear back home. So I ask him, "Ok...what will it take to get my equipment back?". His response is "Gimme MY power amp back!". Two years ago, I bought a power amp off of a former bandmate of mine. My bassist insisted, after I bought it, that he pay for half and hands me $100. I took the money. Now he's demanding that I give him the power amp. As far as anyone else is concerned, I bought it...he pitched in by choice...just because you pitch in on gas for a trip doesn't mean you own the car, but whatever. So I told him "Well, I guess you got your money back when you gave our merch away to your friends." The first batch of shirts we had made, he gave away to his friends and had no intention of owning up to it: he was proud of himself, while the rest of us felt burned. Not including the fact, he ruined my trailer (and probably blew up the alternator in my truck doing so) by hard-wiring the trailer to my Suburban when he couldn't figure out how to swap the turn signals that were backwards and insisted he fix the morning before driving 150 miles for a show and couldn't just wait until afterwards. That would be the ONLY time $$$ from the band went *into my pocket* - to fix the trailer that he fucked up, even though we couldn't fix it. As far as I'm concerned, he got his money worth. Anyways, he's yelling that he wants answers, as soon as we try answering him he just interrupts with shouting profanity and everything. So we just decided to leave. I told him "If you aren't willing to let me take my equipment, then I guess I'll see you in court. Thanks".

Basically, his behavior just solidifies the reason why we booted him.

So, I plan on seeing about getting a police escort to get my equipment back. If that isn't going to fly, then I guess small claims court.
Major edit:


Edit 2:

After reading the last post, all I have to say is: WHAT A FUCKING DOUCHE!
To be honest, if someone shuved me like that when I was picking up my gear, I would have beat the living shit out of him, even if it meant putting yourself in deep shit.
Damn I got pissed of like hell just by reading about this.

Basically, when I quit my old band, it was for the same kind of reason.
Our singer had the key to our rehearsal, and I needed to get the key, but he didnt answer the phone(Evening before our biggest gig.).
When I finally got him on the phone, all he said was "You shouldnt have left your gear in there then!", but I guess having a properly intonated guitar etc. is just my problem(If you didnt get it, I didnt get the key.).
I always remove my gear (I say I'm gonna use it to record... etc whatever excuse whatever) before I quite a band :lol:.

Our singer jumped ship on us at the 11th hour and sided with them, even though he was all for firing them months ago. They actually found out about being fired before we got to tell them, because he told them. So, now they won't let me take my gear. Everyone knows who sold me what, so it's not like thier argument will hold up.

So yeah...just us two guitarists now, and our new drummer. :hypno:

edit: On the bright side, I had to go record a band in another town so I came and got most of it then. Still, my Iron Cobra double pedal, a couple of Peavey SP3's, a Bad Horsie, a Morley Volume, and a couple cheap Crate 10"'s mine, and I'm trying to find out what the laws say about possession of others property without thier permission.