Got ripped off on a mesa cab.


I'm not here.
Jan 31, 2007
Got the thing on ebay but it was damaged and I returned it but never got refunded and the sonofabitch has the nerve to leave me negative ebay feedback!!! GAHHH Sorry guys I just need to e-vent. If anybody lives in georgia I'll give you 100 bucks to kick the shit out of this guy and get my money back :lol: :lol: :lol: just kidding of course, but man there seem to be less and less decent people every day.

I know, bitch bitch, but I'm in college. I can't afford to just be throwing 500 dollars out the window. :Smug:

I bought a different cab but I'll be eating ramen for a month or so
thats not cool. i got ripped off with my M-box that i shipped to England. 320 punds in the lake. gona buy a Lexicon Omega soundcard insted.
What the hell is wrong with people? I just cannot even fathom deliberately screwing over some random person like that:erk:
Naw dude you deserve to bitch, I have sold shit on ebay and I bend over backwards to make the deal go as smoothly as possible and not to have any headaches later. Most people aren't shaddy. My only bitch with ebay is buyers for some BS reason tend to not leave feedback. I always have UPS package it for me and I always insure that shit. These are things you should consider in the future, you should request that both of the above be done, even at your exspense it's not worth some dumb ass half assing your packaging and having your device show up in a million peices.
Naw dude you deserve to bitch, I have sold shit on ebay and I bend over backwards to make the deal go as smoothly as possible and not to have any headaches later. Most people aren't shaddy. My only bitch with ebay is buyers for some BS reason tend to not leave feedback. I always have UPS package it for me and I always insure that shit. These are things you should consider in the future, you should request that both of the above be done, even at your exspense it's not worth some dumb ass half assing your packaging and having your device show up in a million peices.

It was insured! The way I see it the bastard got my money, got the fedex refund, and then sold it with the busted speakers removed:ill:
I know how you feel, that's really fucking lousy.

I remember when I had my first summer job and managed to save 500eur for a used head and a crappy cab. I payed for the amp beforehand (yeah, that was moronic) but the seller came up with ridiculous excuses for why he "couldn't post the amp right now but perhaps tomorrow." After a few weeks of waiting I lost my temper and suggested that me and my friends would come and pick up the amp from his house the coming weekend, and surprise surprise, the next morning his back wasn't aching, the brakes of his car were repaired, he wasn't too busy with his job and he finally managed to post the amp. Well, at least I learned not to pay for anything before seeing the merchandise first :/
Report that cunt to eBay and PayPal, if that's what you used.

Seriously - you might be able to get your money back, especially if you kept all the emails.
Yeah I already reported him to both but they haven't responded. I'm worried that it won't work because it's been three months already :erk: but it took fuckin forever for fedex to try to work their shit out. They have horrible customer service.
He left this on my feedback.

"Total Ebay noob. Left wrong feedback 3 months after item received. Seller BEWARE"

Yeah, ebay noob. I only had 100% feedback for 5 years.
I've notified Squaretrade, The FBI's internet crimes commission, my credit card company, and the local sheriff's department in his county. I'll let you know what happens. Today's justice will be served with a steaming plate of prison sex
Ahahaha go for it man! Keep us posted as you say, I hate people that do those such things. He needs a good big black un' up his ringpiece for his crimes! :kickass:
a litte OT but anyway...yeah fed ex suck....but you know whats almost worse than getting ripped off by an ebay seller is when you go to a music store and you tell the salesman can he pricematch an item thats $10 cheaper and he tells you to go get it where it is cheaper, now thats shitty customer service
a litte OT but anyway...yeah fed ex suck....but you know whats almost worse than getting ripped off by an ebay seller is when you go to a music store and you tell the salesman can he pricematch an item thats $10 cheaper and he tells you to go get it where it is cheaper, now thats shitty customer service
The store where I TEACH does that to me on guitar strings. Think about that for a minute!