Got the DVD yesterday

Katatonic said:
The DVD is awesome, no doubt about it. Those who won't buy it for lack of older songs, go and look at all the MILLIONS of other threads on that issue. The only reason it looks like Opeth are selling out (to you dickheads) is because they aren't doing what YOU want them to (which is, correct me if I'm wrong SELLING OUT). Jeez some opeth "fans" are wankers.

I agree to an extent actually:-)

I tell you this though: I've been into Opeth not that long (got introduced to them by listening to Edge of Sanity and doing some reading on Dan Swano)... And I tell you what, I went and bought every Opeth album, starting from Orchid, and working my way through, not allowing myself to hear any new stuff until I got to that particular album.

On friday I finally got Damnation and bought Lamentations at the same time. While i love diversity, I wasnt too impressed by Damnation at first (I probably prefer Orchid through to Still Life a little more than Blackwater park through to Damnation), but after watching Lamentations, I was totally blown away.

This DVD enables you to appreciate EACH member of the band equally, and also to respect the journey they have gone through musically.

This DVD is AMAZING. Dont boycott it, stop your grumbling, and fall in love with this music for the millionth time.. AGAIN.

Opeth rule, and as far as I am concerned are the successors to Iron Maiden hands down.

Long live Opeth and may they rule supreme!
I think it's cool that you went through the catalogue from Orchid to Damnation. *nods*
Even though you may be a newer fan than some of the board-posters, you still experienced it in a similar way.
Keep listening and keep enjoying!

I saw it for the first time yesterday, and I really like it! The sound of the concert part is great, though I have yet to check out the 5.1 mixing. (Actually I don't have the hardware for it yet).

I'm not too impressed by the camera, but don't care too much for pictures anyway.

Like said here a thousand times I also miss some more of the older songs - "Blackwater Park" or something from SL or MAYH - but of course the focus of the DVD lies on D & D, and therefore I'm grateful too see at least "The Drapery falls" and "The Leper Affinity", which absolutely rule!

I also loved to see the documentary. It's pretty long - about an hour, IIRC - and the parts when Michael and Stephen are doing their recording of the vocals and the leads are pretty impressive. I also really love the part when Lopez records the final 5 minutes of "Deliverance" - pure concentration and precision.

And yes, I second the opinion, that you get a better feel for the mastership of the Martins. Both on stage and in the studio - you kind of understand what great musicians they are.
Katabasis said:
I think it's cool that you went through the catalogue from Orchid to Damnation. *nods*
Even though you may be a newer fan than some of the board-posters, you still experienced it in a similar way.
Keep listening and keep enjoying!

Cheers man.

I have actually been into metal since around 1986, but waned off bands in the 90s as nothing new seemed to be happening (wish I had known about Opeth back then).

Once I find a band I like, I'll get right into them, reading eveything I can, finding out about things related to them etc etc. I really dissect the music so I can enjoy every detail.

Opeth are certainly worthy.
How can these stupid guys say Opeth is sellout? Just some hundred fans will buy the dvd, maybe the whole forum, but not much more. They won't get that much money with the dvd. If they would sellout opeth, opeth would not have to cancel tours in australia just because of the fact that the tickets are to expensive.

I like the DVD ... no ... i love the DVD!
The Hubster said:
Cheers man.

I have actually been into metal since around 1986, but waned off bands in the 90s as nothing new seemed to be happening (wish I had known about Opeth back then).

Once I find a band I like, I'll get right into them, reading eveything I can, finding out about things related to them etc etc. I really dissect the music so I can enjoy every detail.

Opeth are certainly worthy.

Yeah, it did seem like nothing new was happening for a bit there...
I hope the Australian scene picks up though. I know there are a few cool bands out there (Psycroptic and Alchemist are alright), but I'm still hoping for the scene to really get going. I'm in a band now, and some others I know are can feel the undergroud starting to rumble...
Here's hoping for a Sydney scene to rival the Stockholm scene!
The DVD is excellent! One of the best live productions I've ever seen. Brilliant camera work and very good sound on it. They could have played some more heavier songs, yes. The crowd didn't seem to be overly enthusiastic, though (except for the ones in the front row, which looked very young).
I saw the DVD earlier on today. I gotta say, I'm fucking amazed. You might remember me as the local asshole who likes to ramble about Orchid > Everything, but I have to say that this DVD really kicked my ass.

For years have I wanted to see Opeth in their full glory, on stage, and the cheap crappy home-made bootlegs that have circulated around hardly pay any homeage to that. The sound in the DVD is breathtaking... I don't think I've ever heard better tone in a live performance. I'll say it again, PRS Custom 24 > All guitars.

The lighting at the gig was awesome too.. I really liked the venue, it was big and spacious, and had alot of atmosphere.

The camerawork, as people have said, probably didn't do the gig too much justice. There were all these really big closeups of people and really unecessary. I also think they focused around Mikael way too much. I wanted to see more of Peter and Mendez from time to time. I mean, speaking comparatively, the camera work is nowhere near as boring as it is in a DVD such as 'Emperial Live Ceremony', but it does get quite irritating with the annoying angles, and quick switching.

Also, the documentary is awesome. It gives a HUGE amount of insight into what exactly went into making the last two albums, and is really good for you tabbers also, because you get to see alot of footage of single riffs being played etc.

This is probably the best music DVD I've seen in my entire life and I'm grateful for it. Thanks alot Opeth and MFN for releasing a quality product, even if the latter are money-grubbing fuckwads. I couldn't have picked a better place to have my money grubbed :).