Got the new Dimmu Borgir "In Sorte Diaboli" pre-release


Nov 29, 2005
I've recently aquired a pre-release copy of the new Dimmu Borgir album "In Sorte Diaboli" via one of the bandmembers. Can't say that I'm a die-hard fan of everything that this band has ever done, but I've got to admit - this album has impressed me. From the sounds of it, the songs have been written in a different manner this time. Nine tracks. The keys are supporting the guitar lines instead of the other way around as on the previous release. The production is flawless, everything stands out very clear in the mix. Guitar riffs have become more focused, definitely more Galder-esque. Real cool stuff going on between the two guitars. Not just harmonies, but totally separate riffs melted together. And Hellhammer's drumming is actually very nicely done throughout the entire thing. His blasts are tight and focused, nice fills and cymbal work. Certainly his best to date. Blows away anything that Barker ever did with this band. The highlights of the album, imo, are:
#3 - "The Conspiracy Unfolds" - good vocal arrangement, riffing, some real cool syncopated cymbal work.
#8 - "The Invaluable Darkness" - fuckin riff city! And I used to think Silenoz sucked!
#9 - "The Foreshadowing Furnace" - again, good vocal arrangement. Shagrath is definitely showing a lot of maturity as a lyricist and his control is incredible, all poserdom aside.

Bottom Line: Good shit. If you're a determined Dimmu hater, then you probably will stay one. If you're open to give it a shot, you'll probably be impressed enough to give them a chance. If you're a diehard fan - get ready.
I thought the song Serpretine Offerings was good and the video was interesting as well but that's all I've heard from Dimmu Borgir's new CD.
It was a big improvement over everything they've done since Stormblåst but still pretty shitty.
I like it, I've heard the whole cd, not as good as Death Cult Armageddon tho, but the tracks The Serpentine Offering and The Sacrilegious Scorn are fucking awesome
haven't heard their new album yet. I'm not really a fan but i do play a few of their songs sometimes like.. "burn in hell" or "devils path" I'll just probably download their album once its released.

Can't say I like them much, I don't even think I'd class them as metal since they rely so much on shitty keyboards. Fuck 'em! :)

yeah dude it has been leaked for a while.i love dimmu, but its not there best cd for sure. Spiritual Black DIMENSIONS ADN enthrone Darkness Triumphant were way better. but i respect dimmu over all, and they were one of the first metal bands i got into so yeah...
I'm not really a fan but i do play a few of their songs sometimes like.. "burn in hell" or "devils path" I'll just probably download their album once its released.

Burn in Hell is a cover by the way. They covered it pretty nicely though, it was the most listenable song on PEM.
^:lol: I liked the new video better than Progenies.

The new video looks more like an ad for the history channel. I love it. Mustis uses the same goody organ that he used in the Progenies video. As for Vortex's godly vocal solo, I think they portrayed him well.

The song seems to be better when coupled with the video than just listening to it plain.