Gothic humour

hell, they are the gothest people i have ever seen. they are just so cool. Goddamn, i want to be goth like them.
God, i hate these wannabes, doesn't matter whether they try to be goth or something else.

"Near the end of year 7 I went to a school disco and I was completely gothic. It was so funny because I got a lot of attention." - hey i was seeking a way to get more attention too...

let's listen good charlotte & slipknot and be a goth... that's ridiculous...

God Damn, i hate myself i get this very serious but i couldn't help it... sorry ppl.

*falls off chair laughing*

Dimmu Borgir: a band from somewhere in Germany? :lol: These poor kids need guidance, like older brothers and sisters that are into cool music. It's probably not their fault that they don't know about real goth; i.e.; Christian Death, Sisters of Mercy, Siouxie and the Banshees, the Cure, Alien Sex Fiend, Specimen, etc. They might not have access to alternative radio or underground record shops.