Gothic Metal song of band I've recorded - need help with vox


How do record? \O_o/
Feb 7, 2008
Hello everbody.

The song is from my girlfriend's band Eternity (, who is a singer. So far I've spent about 14 hours on that mix and right now my ears are pretty damn tired, so I can't judge properly, if that clip sounds good or not. :)

I'm still struggling with vocals, which are really pain in the a$$ for me, 'cause I don't have much experience with mixing vocals.

This one contains Slate's snare and kick. Snare is NeverSnare Z1, kick...hmmm... I'm not really sure, but I think it is Kick 5 Z1 from SSD 2.0.
Guitars are quad-tracked, bass is triple-tracked (sub, body and POD for distortion)

Lead vox was double tracked, so was backing vox. I've did a lot of compression, some EQ (slight boost around 1-2 kHz), deesser and 2 types of reverb (CSR plate and hall ) and Mod Delay. I don't know what to do. I'm still not happy with the results and I'm kinda stuck.... I really need help with that one...

How's that sounding guys?

Thanx for listening and inputs in advance.

Cheers, Samo