Government Forcing Companies to Pay for Contraception

If Obama wants abortive contraceptives to be available so badly, he can pay for them out of his pocket.


People have a right to live by their religious/moral code. (with obvious exceptions, we can't allow people to practice human sacrifice, or murder in the name of religion of course) For the government to force a mandate that forces private entities and people to do something they are morally opposed to, and to be honest, isn't even necessary is an obvious violation of those people's freedoms.
Back when I lived in South Florida, there was a story about a witches coven that was facing some harassment from the government. Christians got behind them. Why? Because when it boiled down to it, it was an issue of religious freedom. If we had let them be pushed around by the government, then the government could push us around as well. So, whether some one agrees with Hobby Lobby or not, the issue here is "religious freedom", and they should be supported in their efforts, because a government that can take away your religious ideologies, can also make you follow their religious ideologies.
Face, meet palm.

Also, unless I misunderstand the article, it's a hobby shop.

Hobby Shop..
In a hobby shop...

Who wants to take over from here?
I am following this issue very closely, as I work for a place that will be directly affected by the HHS mandate (i.e. I will be out of a job in August if nothing changes). I would urge others who support religious freedom to spread the word about this issue. The whole thing just makes me wonder about our culture. Why free contraception? Why not free cough syrup or Tylenol? ...In case you couldn't tell, I obviously favor Hobby Lobby's position. :)