what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

Oh they will survive alright. They look at the bottom line. Dropping insurance coverage and paying the fines will be cheaper for them. Some will also stop hiring (even moreso than now) and cut wages due to the caps and limitations they will face according to this bill. They will do what they have to do.

Oh, neat, you're Ms. Cleo!
When a country has drive-through liquor stores, the last thing on people's minds is living within their means.

Not that it's not sound advice...everyone should live within their means, but when every_single_thing in the US is based on making money, telling someone "you should live within your means" sounds a little like "Arbeit Macht Frei".
When a country has drive-through liquor stores, the last thing on people's minds is living within their means.

Not that it's not sound advice...everyone should live within their means, but when every_single_thing in the US is based on making money, telling someone "you should live within your means" sounds a little like "Arbeit Macht Frei".

That's the theory that caused the credit bust. Just because a good number of folks in this country are lemmings and walking financial disaster zones, doesn't mean those that get it need to jump on the band wagon. Eventually credit runs out, cards need to be paid off, and ordinary citizens can't print legal money. But hey, speaking of the health care bill and how it's funded....
We have worked hard for the 25 years we have been married to get where we are today, it too a lot of sacrfices, and following a budget. We have no car payments and no credit card debt(we use one card and pay it off each month). My wife finished school with no student loans, and so did my daughter, and now we have the last child going to college and the money is there for her. Can you live within your means? Yes, you can.
Absolutely. I hear the horror stories all the time from my healthcare industry buds. But sadly, it's only going to get worse. Obama just gave 32+ million a "Free Healthcare" card. Going to the ER for the entitlement crowd is like a freakin' social event, all their friends and family are there. One ER doctor friend in Atlanta told me of a lady of minority persuasion that called 911 to get an ambulance. Once she got to the hospital, she got off the ambulance saying she just needed a ride to the other side of town. The entitlement bunch abuse everything.

Holy shit! Lemme guess, Grady Hospital, right?

When I had my CPR/AED training, my trainer was a Grady EMT who told me he had transported the same woman -- or maybe one of her friends -- over to Grady. She just wanted a ride over to that area...at an average taxpayer cost of about $200...and go shopping with her friends. (Apparently, they shared a cab ride back.)

It's no surprise that Grady came within inches of going bankrupt about a year ago...and it's the best trauma center within 500 miles. I don't see any way in which ObamaCare will help, there, either.

BTW-You were paying for it because you pay taxes. The hospitals turn it in on Medicaid. But guess what, you'll get to pay more now. woohoo!

Yes, if for no other reason than the government's new penalties (read: taxes) on medical equipment manufacturers, health insurers, etc. Can anyone figure out how THAT is supposed to drive costs down?


I honestly think that this whole thing is up to the American people to make it work. If this new health care bill is disastrous, I don't see why the politicians should be blamed for the stupidity of the people abusing it.

It's a societal problem and not a governmental one. Again, it goes back to the "ME ME ME!!!" attitude. If such an attitude weren't so prevalent in modern American society, health care reform wouldn't be such a hotly debated issue. It's a vicious circle; people who are all about "ME ME ME!!!" don't want to give up anything up for a universal health care system because the would-be leeches of said system do it because of their "ME ME ME!!!" attitude.

The problem with this isn't the health care bill, it's Americans' sense of entitlement which breeds greed, distrust, and dishonesty.

If the bottom falls out of this whole thing, Americans will only have themselves to blame...
I honestly think that this whole thing is up to the American people to make it work. If this new health care bill is disastrous, I don't see why the politicians should be blamed for the stupidity of the people abusing it.

Doesn't help when the gov't continues to assist in developing that mentality, by continuing to create programs that foster that attitude. It only takes one side to say no, to start making that change, and obviously neither side is going to do it. Therein lies the anger by those of us who don't/can't/aren't willing to abuse the system and don't want to pay for the opportunity for others to do so.
Doesn't help when the gov't continues to assist in developing that mentality, by continuing to create programs that foster that attitude.

Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson set into motion liberal programs that started sapping and perpetuating the removal of the will and determination of the people. Liberals in government have over the years continued to coddle the people the programs are targeted for. Creating a lifestyle for this entitlement bunch that does not reward them for achievements. All they have to do is exist and our tax dollars funds it with no contribution on their part. Obamacare is just another perpetuation.

Amnesty for illegal immigrants is next. B. Hussein has lost the centrist people who voted for him with his liberalism. So, now he has to develop a new voter base in time for 2012.
I honestly think that this whole thing is up to the American people to make it work. If this new health care bill is disastrous, I don't see why the politicians should be blamed for the stupidity of the people abusing it.

It's a societal problem and not a governmental one. Again, it goes back to the "ME ME ME!!!" attitude. If such an attitude weren't so prevalent in modern American society, health care reform wouldn't be such a hotly debated issue. It's a vicious circle; people who are all about "ME ME ME!!!" don't want to give up anything up for a universal health care system because the would-be leeches of said system do it because of their "ME ME ME!!!" attitude.

The problem with this isn't the health care bill, it's Americans' sense of entitlement which breeds greed, distrust, and dishonesty.

If the bottom falls out of this whole thing, Americans will only have themselves to blame...

Well said.:rock::rock:

But there are some major problems with the bill, that will take a unifed nation to work out. As Long as we have ultra liberal, and ultra conservative talk radio spouting their venom then we have a problem. Also as long as we have people who spout the party line and can't think on their feet or have no opinion of their own, then we have a problem. The American people are good people, that need to wake up and smell the roses, and all come together despite the politicians and talk-show host and do something together.

Okay stepping off my soap box, and back to listening to:

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I hear-by concede this internet thread. You silly conservatives can have it. We, on the other hand, have health care reform. :)

Exactly what i meant in my last post, we the people no matter what side of the fence we are on, don't need to stoop to the level of talk show radio, we need to find common ground and work together, no offense to anyone. We need a strong country, and it is up to us to help bring it about, we need bi-partiasianship, not party lines.

Yes we as a nation, not as conservatives or liberals have a healthcare reform law, now it is up to the people to make it work, it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is a step in the right direction, yes there are things in it that I don't like, and things other people may not like, but we have to live with it the best we can.
Yes we as a nation, not as conservatives or liberals have a healthcare reform law, we have to live with it the best we can

Sorry, but l can't agree with that. The fat lady hasn't sung yet. There's still people who are working for the people instead of against the people trying to get this monstrosity repealed or found unconstitutional, which it is. Now, that's some "HOPE" we can believe in.;)

If our founding fathers had just caved in to those wanting to continue being colonies of the British, this great country wouldn't exist today. Even before this country became independent there were those wanting to tear it down. Those same people exist today voting into law policies that are against our will. That cannot continue to happen.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ~ Thomas Jefferson 1787 Nov. 13 (to W. S. Smith, B.12.356)
We need a strong country, and it is up to us to help bring it about, we need bi-partiasianship, not party lines.

With such strong opinions on either side on how one should live or die based on being born or not, I don't see it happening.

Conservatives: Against National Health Care for the living AND abortion.

Liberals: For National Health Care AND abortion.

Something is odd there, I guess.

And, sorry Ascension, all I read out of your quote is:

Until the conservatives get back in office next year. Watch how many Dems lose the election in November :lol:

You really think this is not how it's going to continue for the rest of time until our 'democracy' eventually collapses? 'Power' will switch from party to party over any amount of time, and more readily in an unsteady climate like this. Thank Bush and his cronies for systematically destroying 18-35 year old's ability to believe in a semi-uncorrupt system of bullshit. He who has the most money and strongest arm owns and runs this country, always has, always will. Elections and 'conservative' and 'liberal', 'democrat' and 'republican' are cover ups to keep people divided and spiteful to each other so a bunch of rich old white bureaucratic fuckfaces get to have cushy jobs and make back end deals for private jets while drinking whiskey and laughing at us as we go for each others throats.

Congress needs term limits - 3 would be plenty. Lobbyists need to be completely banned from anything to do, and serving the government shouldn't be ladled with perks and paychecks. It should be a god damned service like the Army. FUCK these for-life Congressmen and Senators who do everything to stay in power and NOTHING for the people. FUCK these idiots who continue to vote them back in after being throat-raped and being honored for it. FUCK corporations who write laws and make back end deals to get their unsafe, unnatural products to shelves, and FUCK anyone who doesn't see there needs to be a change in the way things are run in our "free" country of For-Fucking-Profit everything.

mmmm, beer.

This post brought to you by federally subsidized corn, and HFCS, (ITS JUST SUGAR LOL)
Congress needs term limits - 3 would be plenty. Lobbyists need to be completely banned from anything to do, and serving the government shouldn't be ladled with perks and paychecks. It should be a god damned service like the Army. FUCK these for-life Congressmen and Senators who do everything to stay in power and NOTHING for the people. FUCK these idiots who continue to vote them back in after being throat-raped and being honored for it. FUCK corporations who write laws and make back end deals to get their unsafe, unnatural products to shelves, and FUCK anyone who doesn't see there needs to be a change in the way things are run in our "free" country of For-Fucking-Profit everything.

I agree with this totally
It's all Bush's fault, it's all Bush's fault

The same usual liberal lame ass mantra. Who needs a new shtick now? :lol: Your messiah is still using it today. Fucking lame. :rolleyes: And of course, Obummer gave in to the lobbyists in his back pocket. He paid off unions, AARP, and others with this corrupt, done in the backroom bill and he gets a free pass? Fuck him! What a lousy Chicago style sewer politician he is.