what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

Good post. I do think, however, that merely "surviving" shouldn't be one's goal; you shouldn't have to plan your entire life around worrying if you can pay for health insurance. That, in a nutshell, is basically all I'm trying to say.

You don't have to 'just survive'. It's all in your acceptance of things. Honestly, the $116 I pay to BCBS every month, could go towards more travel to Europe, maybe a trip to S. America or somewhere else I haven't been, yet. I don't sit there worrying about "oh, I might get ________. And have to pay out a Dr." (because I have a catastrophic plan, which won't pay out for anything other than my once-a-year check up, unless I shell out $10k first). I take care of myself and have fun, because enjoying my life is #1 purpose. And I've been doing this for the last decade on a whopping yearly salary of under $15k. Heck, if I made more than that, I'd have no clue what to do with it.
I have a question for anyone that may have the answer. What is going to happen to all the religious groups that do not believe in medicial care, and refuse to use it, i.e Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, and Scientologist, and to some respect LDS? Will they get the insurance or face the fines?
Yep, except that with Mail Handlers', you had to "join the union" as an adjunct, nonvoting member in order to qualify. Same with the APWU plan (American Postal Workers Union). Great benefits, relatively low costs, but you had to factor in some sort of union dues.

John, the reason why the insurance policies offered to federal employees and Service members are so good is because Competition Is Encouraged Between Them. We'd get a comparison brochure so we could compare the HMO plans, fee-for-service plans, etc., and it would show the exact premium cost, what's covered, deductibles, co-pays, etc.

The Democratic health 'reform' plan does nothing to encourage competition, whereas the GOP's H.R. 3400 did.

Thanks for clearing that up Paul, i forgot about having to join the Union. Your right there is competition, which drives down prices.
I have a question for anyone that may have the answer. What is going to happen to all the religious groups that do not believe in medicial care, and refuse to use it, i.e Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, and Scientologist, and to some respect LDS? Will they get the insurance or face the fines?

They just don't go to the doctor to use the insurance they are provided? I don't know if they can opt to not pay for it. Their business can't. As an owner of a business, I guess they are generally screwed, unless they can sue for some exemption.

But as far as I know, if you get in a car accident and your leg is cut off, a Scientologist will still go to the hospital. Not sure about the others. But if not, good riddance >_>

I'm wondering how these law suits that some states are starting will turn out.
Watched CBS (yeah l know, l was watching the Communist Broadcasting Station) last night and they walked through the Obamacare bill with a number of small businesses. All discovered they would save money if they dropped insurance coverage for their employees & just paid the fines. One in particular had 120 employees...dropping insurance & paying the penalties will save him over $300K a year. :u-huh: It's an easy guess what he will do. That's the "change" we got.:rolleyes:

Insurance companies will get out of healthcare or fold altogether. This will usher in the single payer system that the B. Hussein & Democraps slid back into the behind closed doors. Prepare for more control and intrusion courtesy of your government.:mad:
Very interesting. That's definitely something to think about.

Of course, the government will find a way around that and create a bill to keep that from happening. They'll just raise the penalties for businesses who drop health coverage.
I have a question for anyone that may have the answer. What is going to happen to all the religious groups that do not believe in medicial care, and refuse to use it, i.e Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, and Scientologist, and to some respect LDS? Will they get the insurance or face the fines?

People who believe a magic wizard in the sky will solve all their physical ailments should be automatically barred from purchasing health care, and they should pay double taxes for the rest of the people who need it.

But in all seriousness, that's a good question. My theory is that there will be future court cases declaring the penalty unconstitutional because it infringes upon their religion.

Get ready for a massive influx of Scientologists and Jehovah's Witnesses and start setting your alarm clocks regularly to greet them at your door at 7 am.
But...l'm betting you have a car payment, cell phone bill, cable/internet bill, etc. that you don't mind paying for. Are you putting these things above your health? Just how much is your health worth to you?
But...l'm betting you have a car payment, cell phone bill, cable/internet bill, etc. that you don't mind paying for. Are you putting these things above your health? Just how much is your health worth to you?

Why should people who don't have money be denied health? Is healthy living something you can so easily put a price tag on, like something you pick up at k-mart?
*Source needed.

**Any particular reason you refer to him this way?

It was on the CBS news...the tv variety. l was shocked that they were showing something negative about Obamacare considering they cup his nuts on a regular basis. Oh wait...it was probably aimed negatively toward small businesses...my bad.:Smug:

Isn't that his name?

Why should people who don't have money be denied health? Is healthy living something you can so easily put a price tag on, like something you pick up at k-mart?

Why should people put frivolous shit above their health? Talk about irresponsible.:rolleyes:

We already have programs for people with no money to get healthcare. There are generations of people that have made living off these programs a lifestyle.
Just like a liberal to not do their own research and accept the talking points their masters spout.:rolleyes:

As opposed to just taking a block of text on the internet for truth. I understand you're trolling. That's cool, but you're the one who made a claim. I have no responsibility to dig up facts for things you claim to be true. Also, reading the article, you're really rolling the facts. By your logic, he could've saved himself $480,000 by dropping coverage before the bill passed. Nothing's changed other than him saving less money if he decides to be a douche.

Nor did you answer mine.

Your question was a perceived answer to another question. I don't know if you're going for some form of annoying Socratic Method, or are being sincere (trolloololol). Let me try answering it for you, however.

Yes. That is his first initial, and his middle name. However, you're using it in a sense that is not generally practiced by the vast majority of the population in our country. People, for example, have never called me P. Daniel. I have known people who are referred to by their middle name rather than their first, however, again, it's not standard to include a first initial, nor is it a practiced tradition to refer to someone by their middle name unless specifically requested by that person. As far as I know, Mr. Obama has, in fact, not initiated such a request.

Now, I could go on to assume that you are doing it to be an insulting sleezebag, making the obvious, yet erroneous, connection to Saddam Hussein or perhaps his Muslim-Father heritage (albeit, religion is not a physical genetic trait that can be passed down from person to person), but to do so may put you under an inappropriate label of "idiot rightwing jackass", thus filling the same wasted bag of flesh-space of, say, Rush Limbaugh.

I'd much rather give you the benefit of the doubt and let you tell me that somewhere in Ass-Backwards Middle America where the real Americans are that this is common practice.

As for this:

Why should people put frivolous shit above their health? Talk about irresponsible.

Because saving everything you make to create a buffer of outflow monies required to pay for the insane amount required by a health insurance company for a family of four would only allow for a short term burst of coverage that would not provide care for any pre-existing condition, assuming the family could even GET coverage to begin with. Blue Cross just quoted me and my hypothetical family (Husband, Wife, both 30, 2 Dependants, 5 year old boy, 1 year old girl) $2,256 a MONTH for $0 deductible per calendar year. If I don't have a cell phone, or a car payment, or even a mortgage, that's still more than the average american makes in one month.

But WAIT! Here's a cheaper plan for $196 a month for my family of 4! Aweso.. oh, a $10,000 deductible before insurance will even begin to cover anything, and even then I'm stuck with 30% of the cost... well, that seems reasonable for my $40,000 a year job before taxes when I am the only Money Earner because we can't afford Day Care if my wife works! Woot, with insurance, we're just one broken bone away from financial ruin! Talk about irresponsible to hope to god a 5 year old won't break his arm.

So, explain to me again how spending money on a cell phone or not spending money on a cell phone is supposed to fix this?
I think Native Americans would like to have a word with you about "belonging here".

This just killed it. Seeing as how we murdered, raped, pillaged, and stole everything to get what we have now, we really can't say anything about immigration.

"Thar tekkin' ar jerbs!!!"

Yeah. Those people need to STFU.
As opposed to just taking a block of text on the internet for truth. I understand you're trolling. That's cool, but you're the one who made a claim. I have no responsibility to dig up facts for things you claim to be true. Also, reading the article, you're really rolling the facts. By your logic, he could've saved himself $480,000 by dropping coverage before the bill passed. Nothing's changed other than him saving less money if he decides to be a douche.

I simply brought out what was in the article (or tv report in my case)...it's not my logic, but it is the logic of a liberal news network.

Alot has changed. The business owner is now FORCED to provide insurance or SUFFER the penalties. That wasn't happening before Obamacare. To some business owners that will be enough.

He can be a douche if he wants to. It's his business to run like he wants. ;)

Yes. That is his first initial, and his middle name.

That's all that needs to be known. Now if you have an issue with him being referred as such. Maybe you need to search your soul and find out what the issue is. I don't have a problem with it. :)

If I don't have a cell phone, or a car payment, or even a mortgage, that's still more than the average american makes in one month.

The average American needs to learn to live within their means. That's the problem people in this country have. I do, so I have no sympathy in that regard. Again, there are programs for people that need it. Plus, people can get taken care of if they need it. Hospitals won't turn them away.

So, explain to me again how spending money on a cell phone or not spending money on a cell phone is supposed to fix this?

Priorities are screwed up. People want the iPhone, the plasma, the SUV, laptop, etc. But, they could have socked that $ they used for these items away to give a buffer to deal with health emergencies. We're talking about tens of thousands of dollars spent on stuff. Most won't do it. They would rather have the stuff and let somebody else's taxes take care of them. :rolleyes: