Graphic Novel of Still Life?

opeth_353 said:
I think the sort of approach pink floyd had with the wall would be better. The film has the songs playing in the background.. and the images display what is being described by the lyrics. That sort of thing would be cool.
this sounds cool.
A film I would say would be the best, with it divided into "chapters", each being told by each song on the album, with characters lip-syncing the song playing over the top (only when characters in the songs are referenced).

The film would have to be VERY dark, ultra-romantic, and take Tim Burton + Nick Cave x 10 to a whole new level.

No MODERNISM in the film, it must be set in the 1600s / 1700s with period clothing and plenty of religious imagery.

No over the top violence, only quick flashes of it, as the audiences minds need to be manipulated - half the fun is pushing the story so that the audience concocts their OWN imagery in their heads as they watch the film.

Make it EXTREME!!!
The Hubster said:
A film I would say would be the best, with it divided into "chapters", each being told by each song on the album, with characters lip-syncing the song playing over the top (only when characters in the songs are referenced).

The film would have to be VERY dark, ultra-romantic, and take Tim Burton + Nick Cave x 10 to a whole new level.

No MODERNISM in the film, it must be set in the 1600s / 1700s with period clothing and plenty of religious imagery.

No over the top violence, only quick flashes of it, as the audiences minds need to be manipulated - half the fun is pushing the story so that the audience concocts their OWN imagery in their heads as they watch the film.

Make it EXTREME!!!
*a drip of semen dribbled down my leg*
Sounds stellar!