Great Hardcore Band, not quite happy with the mix (real drums, 5150, Orange)


Feb 16, 2011
Frankfurt/Main Germany

I think the band did a good job and I've been working a lot on this son but now I've been reaching a point where I've got the feeling there is something wrong in this mix but I can't figure out what it is. Please let me know what you think about it :) RM18mp3.mp3

BD: Beta 52 but replaced 100% with SL Trigger
SN Top: SM57
SN Bottom: Neumann KM184
Toms: Audio Technica AE3000
Overheads: AKG C414
HiHat: Neumann KM185
Room: M/S with MKH8040

Snare and Toms are also blended with SL Trigger.


we quad tracked everything but I ended up using only 2 takes. They are reamped with a 5150 through a Orange 4x12 cab. I miced it with a SM7b and a Neumann U87 (perfect in phase) but I ended up using only the SM7b tracks.

Bass: DI + Sans amp

Vocals: SM7b
Thanks for the comment, but could you be more specific? There are already like 4 cuts in the low mids and a wide 1 or 2 db boost in the 3-5 khz area. what area do you think could use more eq?

If your're not the only one interested in the stems I could ask the band. If they agree I can upload them.
This mix has so much character and balls, and I really dig the song, it's sick as fuck overall. Other than maybe a little more taming of the low mids on the guitars it's perfect.

And yea, STEMS! :D
Thanks a lot for feedback, I agree that the guitars are maybe a little bit harsh and the low mids could use even more eq. I'll post a new version within the next days, but I'd love to have more opinions until then.
When there are at least 5 people interested in stems I'll ask the band! ;)

Happy new year to everyone!
Good job, dude! I'm really liking this mix for that genre! Maybe the guitars could use a bit less low-end, so that the bass can shine through a bit more. :)

I'd like the raw multitracks rather then stems, haha. :D
newest mix: RM19.mp3

The cymbals are indeed a problem... The main problem is that the overhead mics propably weren't in the best position. He basically plays two crashes and a ride that he crashes a lot and the crash on the left and the ride cymbal are often to quiet compared to the crash on the right. Now I automated the overhead tracks and brought some crashes up that were to low.

edit: By the way the overhead track has a lowcut at 200hz so I don't think thats the problem. The crashes weren't the best sounding ones (don't remember the brand) and he plays them kind of inconsistent (he's an awesome drummer though).

I also changed the EQ on the guitars a bit.

Let me know what you think :)
nice stuff man, maybe just a tad of surgical eq could do the trick with guitars. Any chance you could put up the stems for this?

Try to no boost this 3-5 Khz area, is a bit harsh. Try to cut a bit on 4-5 kHz....


This mix has so much character and balls, and I really dig the song, it's sick as fuck overall. Other than maybe a little more taming of the low mids on the guitars it's perfect.

And yea, STEMS! :D

Guys, you are asking for raw tracks, not stems. Stems are stereo mixdowns of a group of tracks (drums, guitars, vocals), NOT individual tracks.
Sounds quite good and unique! Only thing I'd say is that the guitars seem to have a bitt too much low end and are too loud in the mix. Good job!
I know that's what you mean, but you are using the wrong terminology. A lot of new users of this forum are calling raw tracks "stems," which creates confusion because it's just wrong. "Stems" already exist - for example, "mastering with stems," where the mastering engineer receives stereo mixdowns of each instrument group.
This is great! Really angry shit with a fat sound.
I actually liked the first version best. It was somehow more aggressive than the second and third mixes. Could also be that I´m only able to listen with headphones for now...

I´d try some mid-channel EQ (I use DMG Equality) for the guitars (watch for phase problems, don´t make too big cuts/boosts):
-Mid-EQ for guitar bus: cut from around where snare´s bottom is..something like 200hz in this mix? Cut also from where the snare´s attack exists. This shouldn´t affect the guitar sound too much but just make some room for the snare

Maybe the guitars could go down just a bit too.

Also the drums might benefit of some more room. Maybe raise the room mics a bit and compress them to hell? :D

For the vocals I´d adjust the compressor settings so that the sound would be more like "spitting". Big compression with high ratio, slowish attack and medium release. Lots of GR :)