Great Metal Hammer review re 13th Day

Squall2040 said:
thats a load of bullshit! you guys were what made the day for me at 13th day. I went to see Sonata Arctica and had never really heard of anyone else there (sorry but true).. i came in soaked through and feelin a lil shitty, then you guys came on... that made the day for me! anyways, just thought id post my support and say u guy deserved 10/10 easily. got me tickets for hull on the 2nd, guess i'll see you there :D, i'll be the scruffy git on the front row!

Thanks for that mate, we appreciate the support and yep we're looking forward to Hull :D:headbang:
sean-intense said:
I think i drove everyone mad at Bloodstock talking about it heh heh... i really shouldn't dwell on such trivial things :D

Well if Bruce Dickinson can bitch about the same negative interview at two gigs six months apart, I think you're entitled to a bit of venting every once in awhile! -_-