I had no idea Evergrey were playing at all. There was next to no advertising for the show, and that never mentioned the support act. We were in London doing some shopping and we decided that we'd go to the show if there was a decent support act. Unfortunately even the woman from the venue had no idea who was supporting.. It wasn't until I asked a guy who had been queueing outside since 2pm that I finally realised. We bought the tickets right away!
I'm really glad we did. Evergrey were fantastic. Tom's a great frontman and mid way through the set the crowd had gone from a cold start to blazing hot. LaBrie didn't stand a chance afterwards (and he didn't even seem to make an attempt, if I'm to be honest.. Not my cup of tea at all.) .
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the band again whenever that may be.
I'd also like to apologise to the people who thought I was Tom, despite him being a good 5 inches taller than me... maybe I shouldn't have signed those CDs, but it was fun being a "star" for a few minutes
I'm really glad we did. Evergrey were fantastic. Tom's a great frontman and mid way through the set the crowd had gone from a cold start to blazing hot. LaBrie didn't stand a chance afterwards (and he didn't even seem to make an attempt, if I'm to be honest.. Not my cup of tea at all.) .
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the band again whenever that may be.
I'd also like to apologise to the people who thought I was Tom, despite him being a good 5 inches taller than me... maybe I shouldn't have signed those CDs, but it was fun being a "star" for a few minutes