last nights show (Cleveland)


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2004
wow... amazing...

I was right up front against the gates when Evergrey came on. (The guy with the backwards fitted baseball cap on, im sure someone seen me as not too many of those were there lol). I wasnt sure what to expect. I had heard only a few songs, including the ones they had shown on HBB the night before. Nothing could prepare me for what i heard. From the start of the first riff ot the last the crowd was loving it. Wish they woulda been the second act, as Bodom didn't impress me even close to as much as Evergrey did.

Awesome job Everygrey. Come back to Cleveland ASAP! :)
yeah I was almost all the way to the right if you are looking at the stage. the guy with the fro was my rooomate
nice, i saw you in the fans first section before the show jamming to the IE warm-up session. I was sitting with my gf and two other Evergrey fans on the top level. Backwards blue hat, Evergrey shirt.
I believe I remember both of you guys...I had the Jackson guitars shirt with the skull on it..I was also in the front, and in the fan first room and at the acoustic show earlier.
Evergrey did indeed rule Cleveland once again!
Evergrey said:
nice, i saw you in the fans first section before the show jamming to the IE warm-up session. I was sitting with my gf and two other Evergrey fans on the top level. Backwards blue hat, Evergrey shirt.

Hey- nice to finally meet you yesterday. Did you make the speech for your brother's class?? ha ha We ended up drinking a bit too much (had to keep buying Henrick shots!- he was gone...) and I don't remember the last part of the IE set :( Got to meet them anyway and took some "interesting" pictures. Can't wait to develop the film.
We decided to splurge and blow off work to go to the Toronto show so I can see it from a sober person's point of view. Were you guys bruised up today? Got a couple of moshing souvenirs myself....
I see you found out who fro guy is!

Crap- I forgot this automatically comes from Brian's account---it's really me am_ash2!
steelreign said:
Hey- nice to finally meet you yesterday. Did you make the speech for your brother's class?? ha ha We ended up drinking a bit too much (had to keep buying Henrick shots!- he was gone...) and I don't remember the last part of the IE set :( Got to meet them anyway and took some "interesting" pictures. Can't wait to develop the film.
We decided to splurge and blow off work to go to the Toronto show so I can see it from a sober person's point of view. Were you guys bruised up today? Got a couple of moshing souvenirs myself....
I see you found out who fro guy is!

Crap- I forgot this automatically comes from Brian's account---it's really me am_ash2!

Hey! Nice to finally meet you as well! We need to buy some of the shoes Michael has for mosh protection. Those things are like indestructable titanium shoes! Got in at 2AM and made it for the speech this morning. I downed two cups of coffee so I was good to go. Then I have been progressively dying all afternoon, I can't wait to sleep tonight. That's cool you are going to hit the Toronto show. I want to know all about the "interesting pictures" you took with Iced Earth:-) Well, we'll have to stay in touch and definitely party it up at ProgPower. I'll try to recreate the wheelchair story you told me about later this week and the Chicago show!
wish i could make it out to more shows than just this one, but unfortunately i hail from West Virginia, and nothing ever comes here. I got lucky my roomie is from Cleveland so we got to crash at his place before/after the show lol.
I'm based out of Chicago so I'm pretty lucky when it comes to concerts. Especially with this tour. The Chicago show is literally 3 blocks from my house so there will be some extreme pre-partying going on. Look at the bright side though (you almost heard 2 Iced Earth sets). That was cool how we heard basically half the album before the concert when they were warming up. Too bad the guy wouldn't keep the door open more.
lol no doubt. when i heard them starting warming up i almost freaked lol. i had to sit down and breath so i wouldnt start banging my head against the brick. we got to hear Gettysburg twice, what more could u ask for, plus made the stand in line go helluva lot quicker. \m/
I ended up going straight from the acoustic show to The Odeon so 1Time and myself were very early but we killed some time at Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm glad I was in line early since it ended up getting so long. It was cool to hear the warmup!
I was there around 6 (show was supposed to start 7:30). I heard from someone in the line who apparently knew Iced Earth that the Ripper was nervous before his first big show.) That may be why IE played a lot of songs before the concert to warm up. Get the jitters out perhaps. Regardless, I had the fans first ticket I bought of Tisketbastard and therefor I was put in a side room to wait instead of outside. The big payoff was that IE was warming up and we could hear them pretty good.
Evergrey said:
Hey! Nice to finally meet you as well! We need to buy some of the shoes Michael has for mosh protection. Those things are like indestructable titanium shoes! Got in at 2AM and made it for the speech this morning. I downed two cups of coffee so I was good to go. Then I have been progressively dying all afternoon, I can't wait to sleep tonight. That's cool you are going to hit the Toronto show. I want to know all about the "interesting pictures" you took with Iced Earth:-) Well, we'll have to stay in touch and definitely party it up at ProgPower. I'll try to recreate the wheelchair story you told me about later this week and the Chicago show!
Ha ha- I forgot about Mike's Gene Simmons-ish boots- very stylish! Too bad he disappeared so quick after they played- we didn't even get to talk to him this time.
Bad news though (sort of)- Brian got called back to work yesterday so now he can't take the time off to go to Toronto :yell:
I'm getting the film developed today so I'll let you know what shows up! I might be surprised myself~
You'll have to get a room at the Fairfield and we'll form our own "Party Posse".
Wheelchair- ha ha!!!
am_ash2 said:
Ha ha- I forgot about Mike's Gene Simmons-ish boots- very stylish! Too bad he disappeared so quick after they played- we didn't even get to talk to him this time.
Bad news though (sort of)- Brian got called back to work yesterday so now he can't take the time off to go to Toronto :yell:
I'm getting the film developed today so I'll let you know what shows up! I might be surprised myself~
You'll have to get a room at the Fairfield and we'll form our own "Party Posse".
Wheelchair- ha ha!!!

I hope he's around tonight after the show. I've never met him before. I've met Tom, Henrik, and Rikard but never Jonas or Mike. That really sucks about not being able to make the Toronto show though! Can't wait to hear about the pics. I actually have already printed all mine out from Cleveland and they turned out great. Amanda and I will definitely be staying in the Fairfield and we'll be in full form before, during, and after ProgPower. There's going to be a lot of crazy shiznit that going to go down those two days! The wheelchair will be in full effect. 6.5 more hours until the show tonight, I can't wait. Having a very unproductive day at work!
By the way, I want to put my pic in, but all the pictures I have have too many pixels. Do you know how to bypass that or downsize pixels. I'm an idiot when it comes to that stuff,
Evergrey said:
By the way, I want to put my pic in, but all the pictures I have have too many pixels. Do you know how to bypass that or downsize pixels. I'm an idiot when it comes to that stuff,
Well I'm even stupider (is that really a word?) when it comes to digital cameras so I can't help you out. My friend from Chicago wanted to know what your name is- she's going tonight also you lucky dogs! You can e-mail the pics to me when you figure it out:
am_ash2 said:
Well I'm even stupider (is that really a word?) when it comes to digital cameras so I can't help you out. My friend from Chicago wanted to know what your name is- she's going tonight also you lucky dogs! You can e-mail the pics to me when you figure it out:

I'm Warren although some call me Warrell (after Mr Dane). I'll definitely send you all the pics when i figure them out! Let your friend know I'll be there in my blue Cubs hat. We'll have to drain a few beers. Well only a few more hours until the concert. Feels like this is the longest day ever:-)