How did you find Evergrey?

Ok, but I think is far too much ignorant and immature this old fashion attitude that if a band reachs a higher level of promotion (mainstream or not), they're now entitled as a poser, false or bad quality metal band...

That's so childish and de-volution thought...

No-one said that..

Evergrey always make good music, and I started to buy their albums in 2004(of course I got the whole collection :rock:) and although MMA is the album I like the least it's still an awesome album. It's not bad, but I just prefer the other albums more. My personal favourites are SDT and TIC, but also Torn :)

Everyone has right to state their own opinions, that's what forums are for :)
I found them when I was channel surfing one Saturday night in 2003. I came across MTV2's Headbanger's ball and Blinded was playing. I watched the video for a few seconds, then went on with the surfing. I thought to myself "I should go back and watch that video, the cinematography is pretty neat". As I watched, there was a solo. I was like "woah! a solo on MTV? I'm interested in this band, but if the singer starts screaming, I'm turing off the t.v.". Well, there wasn't screaming, but singing. So I finished watching the video to find out who it was. The next day, I went out and bought Recreation Day.

That's exactly how I discovered the band, seeing the video for Blinded.
someone here recommended Last Tribe. they don't exist anymore. but Magnus Karlsson continued in the same line with his other projects. i would recommend his Allen/Lande releases (he's the songwriter and amazing shredder)

It was me =) I know they don´t excist anymore, thats why I mention the album. I totally agree with you about Allen/Lande, superb work! Two favourite singers (except fro Tom :)) on the same albums, can it go wrong? And if you like 70´s hard rock, take a liste nto Russel Allens solo album, REALLY great stuff =)
It was me =) I know they don´t excist anymore, thats why I mention the album. I totally agree with you about Allen/Lande, superb work! Two favourite singers (except fro Tom :)) on the same albums, can it go wrong? And if you like 70´s hard rock, take a liste nto Russel Allens solo album, REALLY great stuff =)
i heard that one, well, i did nothing for me. sorry. but if you like Allen/Lande
albums, so you probably like Karlsson's writing...this year BobCatley released album Immortal. and althought Karlsson is not the guitar player on it, he wrote the whole album,and even all guitar work is very,very close to his. great album, i think :rock:
Ok, but I think is far too much ignorant and immature this old fashion attitude that if a band reachs a higher level of promotion (mainstream or not), they're now entitled as a poser, false or bad quality metal band...

That's so childish and de-volution thought...

I don't agree, for me "mainstreaming " is about simplifying style/melodies/arrangements to

a "sing-a-long-this-should-suit-alomost-all-listeners"
ie. Desmond Child-recepy, - I have not studied the albums in details
but It sounds like MMA is produced by a "Desmond type" producer.

- again strictly personal, childish or not - this never tends to do anything good for my listening experience. That doesn't mean its bad.

Taste differs - hurray for hat ! :heh:
i don't find having a memorable melody to hum for myself at work to be such a horrible thing. that's what most of musicians are aiming for in the first place, i guess
It would help me to know what you like about the music in order to properly recommend other bands to you. Is it the music? Is it Tom's voice? There are many reasons a person might connect with a band or a genre of music.

Some bands besides Evergrey that I enjoy that you haven't mentioned:

Kamelot, Mercenary, Sabaton, Within Temptation, Firewind, Tarot, Freak Kitchen, Mindflow, Brainstorm, Andromeda, Seventh Wonder, Circus Maximus, Pagan's Mind, Saint Deamon, and Primal Fear - to name a few. Of course, there are also stalwarts like Iron Maiden and Scorpions and many, many others.

Good luck in discovering some new music!

Hi thank you for your response, The old demons I have full control over :)
Some of the Bands above are known to me Pagans Mind, Circus Maximus, Kamelot, the other I have not looked into - but I will !

What is it I like with Evergrey, - it's the combination of it all ! Great singing (not screaming), melodic songs, intresting combinations of heavy guitars and symphonic synths etc... it's the total package they deliver.
the problem people have with MMA isn't the promotion, it's the fact that the songwriting is much much more mainstream and much more simplified than their earlier albums and also the almost lack of keyboards. These are facts and you can't argue with that.

Ask Tom Englund if HE classifies MMA lyrics simplier than the previously lyrics he'd wrote... And I think HE (Tom Englund) is the only one who should say if it IS a fact or not, coz he's the author, right?

And... lack of keyboards?????
Are we talking about the same thing here????????????????????????? :rolleyes:
Monday Morning Apocalypse Album?

no one here ever said that Evergrey were posers, false, or a bad quality band, and whoever thinks that, would probably not be on this

What???? AGAIN!
I was not saying specifically about Evergrey, but indeed about this weak headbanger attitude to avoid any band that reached a wider range of people to listen to their music! What is the fucking problem with that?

I think that this kind of thought put the metal music appreciators always categorized as a bunch of immature kind...

And somethings I see, evidence it...

despite the facts I stated, I fucking love MMA, maybe even no less than any other Evergrey album.

You fucking love MMA but actually you're the one who most said SHIT about it here...

Sorry mate, but I do mean it...
That's it.
And by the way, BULLING is the settled subject in MMA, wich is, IMO, far most serious than ABDUCTION BY ETs subject (damm silly for me...) verified in ISOT.

And Tom himself, suffer with it (bulling) during his childhood... So I don't think it's a simple or junk subject at all!
1. I didn't say the lyrics were simpler, I said the music was simpler, and that's a fact. The songs are more mainstream and more simple musically. The lyrics are definately as good as on any other album.
2. There is much less keyboards on MMA than on previous albums.
3. I didn't talk any shit about it. I only stated the reasons why many people seem to dislike it, and I said that despite all that I still love the album, and I do (it was mainly this album that got me into Evergrey in the first place).
4. I think the majority of people actually don't care if a band is mainstream or not (just look at bands like Iron Maiden), people only care when bands start selling themselves out (which is definately not the case with Evergrey).
5. Again, the lyrics on MMA are as good as any previous albums. About the subject, I think it's wrong to say a subject is "silly", because a subject is often just the surface, ISoT is much more than a "man being abducted by aliens" which can sound ridiculous, but it's much more than that. It's about a man's life going to hell, about feelings, emotions, and honestly everyone could relate to it in a way. And what you said was the subject of the song MMA, the other songs deal with different things (some better, some worse, as in every album).
Ask Tom Englund if HE classifies MMA lyrics simplier than the previously lyrics he'd wrote... And I think HE (Tom Englund) is the only one who should say if it IS a fact or not, coz he's the author, right?

And... lack of keyboards?????
Are we talking about the same thing here????????????????????????? :rolleyes:
Monday Morning Apocalypse Album?

What???? AGAIN!
I was not saying specifically about Evergrey, but indeed about this weak headbanger attitude to avoid any band that reached a wider range of people to listen to their music! What is the fucking problem with that?

I think that this kind of thought put the metal music appreciators always categorized as a bunch of immature kind...

And somethings I see, evidence it...

You fucking love MMA but actually you're the one who most said SHIT about it here...

Sorry mate, but I do mean it...
That's it.

Dude, I don't think you're getting anyones point here..
Stop taking this so hard and READ what everyone says. No one's here to judge anyone, they're just stating their thoughts.. Chill.
I obviously need to start a new thread where I never mention album names .......

Ja, kanske det, men egentligen så borde det ju inte vara nödvändigt. Du måste ju få skriva om din åsikt :) Musik engagerar och det blir på gränsen till humoristiskt/tragikomiskt när det tas så personligt.

Yepp, maybe...but actually, it schouldn´t be necessary. You have the right to write about your opinion :)
Ja, kanske det, men egentligen så borde det ju inte vara nödvändigt. Du måste ju få skriva om din åsikt :) Musik engagerar och det blir på gränsen till humoristiskt/tragikomiskt när det tas så personligt.

Yepp, maybe...but actually, it schouldn´t be necessary. You have the right to write about your opinion :)

Yeah, but don't do it in a thread called "how did you find Evergrey".. for f*cks sake
My thought was the opinion would help explain what I liked with Evergrey, and by that get hints of other bands in the same direction....... since everybody here exept one likes to discuss other matters than the actual thread, and nobody seems to moderate the forum, I think I just surrender, and look elsewhere.
My thought was the opinion would help explain what I liked with Evergrey, and by that get hints of other bands in the same direction....... since everybody here exept one likes to discuss other matters than the actual thread, and nobody seems to moderate the forum, I think I just surrender, and look elsewhere.

Well, you could also be a bit clever, and start a thread with a topic like "What do you suggest an EG fan should listen to" and write your feeling there, for example.
My thought was the opinion would help explain what I liked with Evergrey, and by that get hints of other bands in the same direction....... since everybody here exept one likes to discuss other matters than the actual thread, and nobody seems to moderate the forum, I think I just surrender, and look elsewhere.

I think it´s a shame that a new person on this forum with a serious interest of Evergrey just after one (!!) thread feel this is waste of time and surrender to look elsewhere because of the things we have written here. I am as guilty as anyone, but we must learn to stick to the tread!

I haven´t actually thought about it before I read this, but who is moderateing this forum?

As another thread mentioned, we must stop whining and bitching, that leads nowhere!!!

Eyeofra: I hope you can give the forum a chance once in a while, we have a lot to talk about here. And one more thing, den 5/12 smäller det på Sigurdsgatan 25 :rock: Jag hoppas du fortfarande planerar att komma dit och ge Evergrey ditt stöd!
Don't know when it was exactly. Like 2 or 3 years ago I listened to the radio and "As Light Is Our Darkness" was played. I marked that song as a favourite and forgot about it soon.
Some months later I looked through those favourite songs and saw it again. I went to their page and listened to a few songs (Luckily I didn't play "As Light Is Our Darkness" again. I think it wouldn't have gotten me into them. It's a great athmospheric song, but not the best to start liking this band :P ). Like 10 minutes later I was downloading a few albums. I listened to them a few times and got lost :rock:
Shortly after I bought the first album, I think it was The Inner Circle and bought the other ones as well :)