How did you get into Evergrey??..

I have been into Evergrey since their very first disc. They are a brilliant band and are one of the few bands who keep getting better and better with every CD. I think my favorite though is In Search of Truth followed by Recreation day. Although the production on Recreation Day leaves little to be desired. But Brilliant masterpiece regardless.

I heard "Blinded" by Evergrey, and since i am always curious when i hear something new that i like, wut are other really good songs by them, that i can check out. I plan on getting their cds' once i get some money, any suggestions as to which one to get first. I think i am going for Recreation Day, any feedback would help. Thanks
Some friends of mine told me about the band. I dowloaded some songs and wasn't very impressed. Then I heard a song The Masterplan which I liked a lot, and saw them live in Nummirock festival two years ago. They totally kicked ass there, they rocked harder than any other band there, in whole festival. Unfortunately all their CDs were sold out there when I got into the beer tent where they were sold.

When Recreation Day finally got out, I went straight into the local store and bought the LTD version of the album. (Ok, they were only selling the LTD at that time ;) )
Stumbling onto Evergrey was pure luck and partly a gamble for me.

I was dying for new music, hadn't heard of anything new to try from anyone, and was out of ideas.

I was at Tower records, and I picked up Evergrey and one other CD. It was time to pick one to take home and give it a shot. I chose Evergrey. I bought Recreation Day, and the next day came back to buy In Search of Truth, the only other Evergrey album they had.

So finding Evergrey was partially pure luck, and part a gamble. That was back in the early fall, and one of the better finds in my "try a new band you don't know" thing.

Keep up the good work guys!
I read a some reviews of In search of Truth and Recreation day. Got me curious so I got myself some samples, The first song I heard was Dark Waters after hearing it I bought ISOT and Recration Day. Later on I got Solitude, Dominance and Tradgedy and more recently The Dark DIscovery. I saw them live in aug 2003 in Montreal and it was a great show! Dark Waters is still to this day my favorite Evergrey song.
A friend bought me "Recreation Day" for my birthday and I fuckin' loved it!!!
And I'm no prog lover at any state, I hate most of Dream Theater's work except Scenes and Dream And Day..... I listen to death-black-trash metal and yet I found Evergray one of the best bands I heard recently.... the cd is in my stereo now 24/7.

I had tickets for the BWBK Festival last summer and decided to surf the net to preview some of the bands. I saw a video of a live performance of Rulers of the Mind and have been hooked ever since!
My first listen was through a CD my husband made me. We were going to the BWBK fest (6/03) and I wanted to hear some of the bands ahead of time so I listened to ISOT and it was one of those mind numbing moments- kind of like the first time you heard Priest or Iron Maiden. That's when my addiction began! And to meet them in person was the greatest. How many bands hang with their fans and party with them? EXACTLY!!!! We've managed to keep in touch and have followed them around ever since- from Cleveland to Toronto to Atlanta, and they always make time for us.
It's that kind of band that earns my undying loyalty.
SeaOfNames said:
I heard "Blinded" by Evergrey, and since i am always curious when i hear something new that i like, wut are other really good songs by them, that i can check out. I plan on getting their cds' once i get some money, any suggestions as to which one to get first. I think i am going for Recreation Day, any feedback would help. Thanks
I would go with In Search of Truth first- that's the one that hooked most of the newer fans (myself included). I still like it better than Recreation Day, but that CD also has it's winners- "I'm Sorry" being my personal fav on that one.