Evergrey, the last 2 albuns...

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
Today I was watching the Evergrey DVD and I must say that it´s fucking great but I miss old Evergrey sound. I think that the last 2 albuns sucks hard balls especially Monday Morning Apocalyspe. Evergrey are one of my fauvorite bands ever and albuns like In Search For The Truth and Recreation Day are absolute amazing. They have a perfect balance between heavyness and melodies in those albuns. But what happened to the band in the last 2 album? The songs are so basic with weak structures, where are the progessive guitar riffs? The beauty of keyboard arrangements? It´s sad to see one of the greatest bands losing their identity.

If there are fans of the band here, feel free to share your opinion.
Can't say I ever noticed the mistriggers. Can say all the drumming was all that great any way. Patrik fan here all the way.

As far as the albums go, I'd say the last three left alot to be desired. Evergrey are defiantely one of my favourite bands, but their ability to create a decent arrangement or melody has really diminished lately.
Evergrey is one of those bands that I can't find much fault with - I like their whole catalog despite the changes in style and such. As for the DVD - I enjoy it and have never really noticed the trigger issues.
there's like a slapback delay on a ton of snare hits, it kills me for some reason.

I'll have to pop it in the DVD player and give it a more critical listening - perhaps tonight as my wife and I are in an argument. What better way to fight back than by blasting Evergrey while she is trying to sleep? :heh::headbang:
I'll have to pop it in the DVD player and give it a more critical listening - perhaps tonight as my wife and I are in an argument. What better way to fight back than by blasting Evergrey while she is trying to sleep? :heh::headbang:

By having either angry or makeup sex? Either would be much better than that DVD! :lol:
It's a valid discussion. To be honest, I think they just released too much material too soon and burnt themselves out. I feel like if they had taken a long break around the time of Recreation Day or The Inner Circle, instead of trying to release something like clockwork every year and a half or whatever, the ideas would have been much more focused and much less diluted. At some point it becomes like punching the clock like any other job, and you can't force that creative spark.
From the first album to a Night to Remember they were impecable. Recreation Day being my favourite. KICKASS BAND:kickass:
I don't know, i think torn is more old style than monday morning crapocalypse. Well, at least more inner circle sounding which is what I like.

Torn's a pretty kick ass album.

Torn it´s not a bad album and if it was a first album of other band it will be something impressive but with such great albuns in the past, Torn in my opinion is weak compared to Recreation Day or Solitude, Dominance,Tragedy. Even the first album to me is better.
MMA immediately struck me with the change of style... Like that was their attempt to grab the attention of general public and American audience in particular with the production, low tuning (which was unused by them up to that point) and pretty basic song structures with proggy parts and keys pulled to background... Don't know about their incomes, but surely they were about to boost them. But the album was okay, though it was a letdown after something great like "The Inner Circle". Torn turned out to be lousiest of all of their albums, I don't even care listening to it at all...

Too bad, seems like they've lost it along the way, I sincerely hope they'll come back with a strong album cause the first five were all top notch releases which after all gained them the fan base and all the hype and attention. I figure they should return to what they really are, a distinctive brand of dark sounding metal with proggish tendencies and of course beautiful vocals of Carina Englund. ;)
I seem to be one of few who really like MMA.
I think they concentrated on good song writing, not just advanced arranging of songs.
I think torn wasn't as good as anything they've done before.
I felt that they tried to reinvent them self and that usually ain't good for bands.
Bands evolve and you just can't go back and do the same thing again.
unless your slayer and iron maiden, who's never really changed that much.
I agree. After "The Inner Circle" their music just sounds contrived to me. I was really, really hopeful for "Torn." While it is a good album, none of the songs give me goosebumps like some of the ones from "Recreation Day" or "The Inner Circle." Their DVD, however, is one of the best out there. The extra disc makes it a fantastic value!

Evergrey is one of my favorite bands and one of my bands biggest influences. I do agree with the shift in sound on MMA. Probably has to do with the fact that they worked with a producer who works with Bon Jovi.

The songs are definitely simpler and more to the point. I still think it was some good song writing, but for fans of the older style, it just isn't the same band.

I think Torn is better than MMA, but as everyone has stated, not as strong as all their earlier albums. There are only a couple songs that really stand out on the album, whereas ever song on their older albums were great. I do like the lower tuned guitars and 7 string idea that they used on this album. Hopefully next album, they can do a better job with the creative aspect. I'm anticipating it to be great!
Torn is good but the main problem of album to me is that after listening the whole album I realize that there isnt any memorable song.