New Evergrey Album

New track doesn't sound too bad. My fear with this album that it might sound forced. One thing Idid notice with the new track is that Tom's vocals sound very similar to MMA, in that they are too consitent in their range, delivery and level. In the oler albums his voice moved with the music, now it seems like the music just moves around his voice.
I'd take a personal voice (that's full of emotion, power, presence etc..) over yer average power-metal singer.. I'm flaming here, but you have to admit that there are a lot of those. Good singers, yes, but original or memorable? Meh.. Different strokes for different people! I happen to like Englund's vocals and Warrel Dane's.

Warrell is too an acquired taste... But that's the price for being original and one of a kind - I say bring more of these! :headbang:
Haven't listened to the new track yet, can't wait...

I agree on unique, personal voices being great, and my favorite singers (Tony Kakko from Sonata, Roy Khan from Kamelot, and Daniel Gildenlow from The Daniel Gildenlow Experience, whoops, I mean Pain of Salvation :D) are all both extremely emotive and also unique and immediately identifiable stylistically IMO. The difference, though, is that they're tenors, and I love how tenors seem like their voices are "soaring," whereas baritones like Dane sound like they're "bellowing" (NOT my thing, way too melodramatic and show-tuney IMO). But I like Englund overall, he just occasionally gets too grungy sounding for me (like the aforementioned "whooooooayeah's" and such :lol: ) And I'm totally out of the loop on Evergrey; I know ISoT and Recreation Day note for note, but nothing else! (yet...)
I thought they picked up the term Groove Metal because of the differences in what Power Metal means in North America and most of Europe.

Yeah, I'd call that groove metal - I've never even considered power metal to be anything but MANOWAR!!!! (and other, better bands :D)
+1 on vespiz's comment and it's not because I've bought stuff from the store he works at. :D

Pretty sure he means more of the former.

And by Pantera do you mean the first four albums or the last five albums?:devil:

Aye, the former. I like a bit more .. meat on the vocals, so to speak.

Hey DecTV, ask me for a "Sneap forum discount" the next time you're there! :D (jos vaan pomo ei oo lähellä :lol: )

Anyhoo, one thing that I took notice on the new song "Fail" was the absence of epic backing vocals. Maybe (hopefully) other songs on the upcoming album will feature more of those, I love backing choirs :) (The Essence of Conviction came to mind as an example..)