New Evergrey Album

Cool to see this thread, huge Evergrey fan here. The guitar tones on Solitude Dominance Tragedy, In Search of Truth and Recreation Day (my three favourite albums) differ quite a damn lot, but I like each one for different reasons, and it seems Pat Carlsson (ex-drummer) also varied his drum sound to match the feeling of each album. SDT sounds "clean", ISOT is also clean but more aggressive (sounds VERY prog metal), while Recreation Day has more distortion and reverb creating a nice, dark atmosphere. If I were to pick a favourite, it'd be In Search of Truth. The kick drum sounds terrific, and my word, those hectic tom fills Pat did on numerous tracks were great. As for the Inner Circle, drum sound is nice, but not spectacular, while the guitar tone definitely isn't the best they've done.
Haha, with a JSX it isn't all that hard. Shure the voicing is stlightly different, but like I said "similar enough". Having now played afew guitars through my amp I'd say any 5150/ JSX with 6L6's, mahogany body, passive pickups and the mids tamed should get close. With the sound on that album, go for a clearer, smooth sound rather than a brutal approach when dialing the amp in.

If you have a minute to dial in a couple starter spot for me, that would awesome... it's going to be a while before I'm able to get in front of my JSX... :erk:
I have the new Torn tone modeled, VERY closely in ReValver. It wasn't very difficult to dial in. And I agree, the tone on the new album kicks total ass.
It seems like most of the people that hang around here doesn't seem to be familiar with using 2 amp heads at the same time, which means that you slave one after the other.
In F.Nordströms case he pretty much does that all the time for instance using the ENGL Savage head and then a 5150, you can achieve much more depth and versatile tones this way.

If you have a minute to dial in a couple starter spot for me, that would awesome... it's going to be a while before I'm able to get in front of my JSX... :erk:

My usual chain/ settings are as follows:

Schecter C1, Mahogany w/ Seymour Custom (SH-5 IIRC)
JSX (6L6) Ultra channel

Pres/ Resonance 5 (can vary between moods)
Treble 5-6
Mids 2.5
Bass 7
Gain 5-6

In all honesty I think any 5150/ JSX can get close to that tone, as I mentioned before, as long as you keep the balance voiced in the mids without getting too bright or boomy, and when playing, keeping an eye on the sections which need to be tight and adjusting your palm muting for it- especially for the ISOT material.

Those are my settings that I use when playing anything on my JSX (metal I'll use the high gain input, the folk stuff I'll use the low gain). What I will mention about those settings is that I don't like them as much with my C7 (Same body wood-EMG 707) plugged in. It requires vastly different settings and in any situation that I've tried will not get "similar" to the Evergrey tone, hence your results with those settings may vary upon your guitar, cab and technique.
Although the clips' audios are very lo-fi, I think the album will sound great. I'd very glad if it happened so I can forget about Monday Morning Apocalypse with that horrible mixing in which Tom appears to be sing from (or to) inside a bootle or a pipe. Besides the rest that sounds crappy too.
Hahaha, yeah, Englund takes some getting used to, but I like him overall (certainly WAY more than Warrel Dane! :ill: )
Hahaha, yeah, Englund takes some getting used to, but I like him overall (certainly WAY more than Warrel Dane! :ill: )

Haha. I'm surprised i got used to Scar Symetry clean vocals, as well as Soilwork clean vocals (don't like them so much though), but damn i don't think i'll ever get used to Englund's clean vocals, even less with Dane :)Puke:) !
Well Scar Symmetry's singer and Speed from Soilwork both sing relatively normally in similar low-tenor swede voices, whereas Englund is like "metal singer mixed with Eddie Vedder/Scott Weiland/Scott Stapp-esque 'whoooooayeah's'" and Dane just sounds like he should be singing "The Scarlett Pimpernel" or something. :D
Well Scar Symmetry's singer and Speed from Soilwork both sing relatively normally in similar low-tenor swede voices, whereas Englund is like "metal singer mixed with Eddie Vedder/Scott Weiland/Scott Stapp-esque 'whoooooayeah's'" and Dane just sounds like he should be singing "The Scarlett Pimpernel" or something. :D

haha :)

Though never say something bad about Eddie Vedder !!! Huge fan here !
I'd take a personal voice (that's full of emotion, power, presence etc..) over yer average power-metal singer.. I'm flaming here, but you have to admit that there are a lot of those. Good singers, yes, but original or memorable? Meh.. Different strokes for different people! I happen to like Englund's vocals and Warrel Dane's.

Oh yeah, great song! :kickass:
I'd take a personal voice (that's full of emotion, power, presence etc..) over yer average power-metal singer.. I'm flaming here, but you have to admit that there are a lot of those. Good singers, yes, but original or memorable? Meh.. Different strokes for different people! I happen to like Englund's vocals and Warrel Dane's.

Oh yeah, great song! :kickass:

When you say "power-metal", you mean the keyboards+guitar hero+leather pants+Bruce Dickinson wannabee singer bands or stuff like Pantera, Damage Plan, Pissing Razors... ?
+1 on vespiz's comment and it's not because I've bought stuff from the store he works at. :D

When you say "power-metal", you mean the keyboards+guitar hero+leather pants+Bruce Dickinson wannabee singer bands or stuff like Pantera, Damage Plan, Pissing Razors... ?

Pretty sure he means more of the former.

And by Pantera do you mean the first four albums or the last five albums?:devil:
Pretty sure he means more of the former.

And by Pantera do you mean the first four albums or the last five albums?:devil:


Well when i mean Pantera i mean the last albums, but the funny thing is that actually the first albums share some of the features of the "former" power metal group, especially gayness in vocals and clothes :)