How did you find Evergrey?

That's kind of how it went with me. Heard a few songs and liked them, (don't remember where) but I didn't bother to go any farther. Several months passed by, eventually I saw them live and it opened the Evergrey door wide open for me. So I started to dig deeper and I glad that I did.
I went to see Nevermore and In Flames in Ft. Wayne Indiana U.S.A. The damn website said the show was starting at 8 and it started at 7!!!! Luckily we got there early and caught the last 4 songs from Evergrey!!
Before that I never heard of them. The following day I bought MMA and was hooked.

We were sooooooo PISSED the website listed the wrong time for the show. But all worked out OK I guess, we got to meet Englund and I got to hang out with one of my fav drummers Van Williams from Nevermore.
I heard "A Touch Of Blessing" some years ago , on a radio ran by students.
Looking for some other tracks , I discovered the album "Recreation Day" , the first one I bought. Now Evergrey has replaced Megadeth as my favorite band.
I found them when I was channel surfing one Saturday night in 2003. I came across MTV2's Headbanger's ball and Blinded was playing. I watched the video for a few seconds, then went on with the surfing. I thought to myself "I should go back and watch that video, the cinematography is pretty neat". As I watched, there was a solo. I was like "woah! a solo on MTV? I'm interested in this band, but if the singer starts screaming, I'm turing off the t.v.". Well, there wasn't screaming, but singing. So I finished watching the video to find out who it was. The next day, I went out and bought Recreation Day.

:lol: :goggly: Evegrey being played on an MTV station? UNHEARD OF! Your sir are speaking blasphemy.
I heard 'trust and betrayal' on this weekly metal radio show and had to order the cd through because no stores around me carried anything metal. Been fan of them ever since.