Greatest Movie Ever!

TENACIOUS D AND THE PICK OF DESTINY!!!!! Saw it last night and its quite possible the greatest movie of all time! I laughed, I cried, I rocked! Cameos by Meatloaf(Jack Black's Dad) and Dio make this outfuckingstanding! GO SEE IT!!!
I just saw this movie this past weekend and I do agree! It is AWESOME!! We were all still laughing for a while even after we left. Hell, just some of the opening stuff (before the movie even got started) was funny as shit. The Dio scene was a big surprise to me (as I knew nothing about the movie going into it) and was one of the greatest cameos of ALL times!

HIGHLY recommended!
The first half of that movie was incredible ... the 2nd half was forgettable. All in all a good flick.


No way! The movie is one of the best among Kubrick's work, I have it atop along "2001: a space odyssey".

As war and Vietnam movies FMJ definitively stand on the pantheon with "Apocalypse Now" and the highly underrated "Gardens Of Stone" ("Platoon" on the other hand is highly overrated and dismissable).

Of course now that Clint's masterpieces have came out, everything will change :notworthy