Greetings from a noob


Stuck in Utah
Sep 16, 2003
Salt Lake City, UT
Welp.. just found out about you guys from the Maidens forum. Hell I've been out of the metal scene in SLC for way to long..

So hello, and hope to hear your stuff soon (but its almost midnight, and if I was listening to tunes on the PC at this time of night, the wife would wake up and kill me!).

Nice to see something original here after Trust and the Magot Heads disapeared god knows how many years ago from Salt Lake..hehe.

Hails Hobbsdawg!

Welcome to our forum and it's great to see another metal fan from Utah!

Your not alone... only .000002% of Utah metal fans know we exist, but it's always good to see people in our home state that are discovering us! There is actually a very small handful of true metal bands here in Utah that are cropping up as well like Prophane Oath, Distant Vsion, Chain Drive, Davidian and one new project consisting of former(?)members from Utah's Proggressive metal stalwarts, Visionary. :cool: Just to name a few....

If we ever decide to play another show in Utah down the road... you'll have to come and hang out awith us!
Otherwise, we'll be seeing you around at some of the concerts that come to town... like the lovely Iron Maidens this weekend! WOO HOO!!!

Hey HobbesDawg! Y'know, it's a quiet little corner of UM we've got here, but it's really rather nice to hang out in... and yes, Katagory V rule. Proud to be able to call this great band my friends. :cool:

To anyone who doesn't know yet, HobbesDawg here was cool as all hell in helping out my little escapade with the lovely Maidens... if you see this man, buy him a beer, 'kay? :)
Ruined Luna said:
Hey HobbesDawg! Y'know, it's a quiet little corner of UM we've got here, but it's really rather nice to hang out in... and yes, Katagory V rule. Proud to be able to call this great band my friends. :cool:

To anyone who doesn't know yet, HobbesDawg here was cool as all hell in helping out my little escapade with the lovely Maidens... if you see this man, buy him a beer, 'kay? :)

hehe Was no problem man! Was fun ..even if we missed most of the show (seeing it) the sound was great! Too bad you missed Saturday, but I should shortly be putting up a video of Aces High...Jen-willing.

Welcome aboard HobbesDawg! As Luna said, it's a tight little group here, but we have our share of good times!

And it was great to meet you last weekend! I'm sure our paths will cross again soon...

Dustin said:

I am always forgeting someone or something, thanks for picking my slack guys!

So when are there gona be some local shows? Would like to check you guys, and other locals out.. 10 years outa the metal scene can put you behind!

HobbesDawg said:
So when are there gona be some local shows? Would like to check you guys, and other locals out.. 10 years outa the metal scene can put you behind!

It's funny you should ask...

You can join the Utah metal mailing list which is one of the resourses bands use for advertising their shows, you can do so b sending a blank email to:

There is also Utah Metal Magazine, KOAS Radio and the Utah Metal Forum. Some of these sites specify in one extreme to the next as far as metal goes but all are good places for resources on local as well as national metal shows playing in Utah.

The Utah Metal Forum is currently dead right now and going through some big changes (I happen to be the overlorde/founder of the site) and will be moving it to a new home with some extra goodies... this will hopefully become a major hub for ALL that is metal in Utah once it's complete. :p

As far as live shows for Katagory V in Utah? I think we're done for the rest of the year and won't be doing any live gigs until early 2004... but that could still change with the right offer. :cool: We are in writting mode for the next album right now so it's fair game.

One must ask: Play much Venom? :)


The Jesterman said:
You can sign up for the Deathead mailing list by going to our site at and going to the bottom of the homepage and add your email. You can also join the street team by contacting us at
Just put your name, address, and if applicable your message board S/N in the email and you will be signed up.