Grey Dawn out???


May 5, 2003
Arrrg. I've been trying to order Grey Dawn by October Tide at 3 different places now, and they keep telling me that Avantgarde holds back orders from the stores for some reason. Presumably this was the only OT cd available (I know the first one has been out for a while), but now it seems this one is really hard to get by as well.

If you know about a online store who has it please let me know.
BarronBlod said:
Arrrg. I've been trying to order Grey Dawn by October Tide at 3 different places now, and they keep telling me that Avantgarde holds back orders from the stores for some reason. Presumably this was the only OT cd available (I know the first one has been out for a while), but now it seems this one is really hard to get by as well.

If you know about a online store who has it please let me know.

Very easy:)
I even found the "Ihva Elohim...-Vinyl there (for 7,50 €!!!!!), but now it´s sold out (I received the last 2 copies*smile*)
Greetz from Austria and good luck
I found one on the Germany site of, but there are no copies. This was such a great album, why in the motherfucking hell did it go out of print? I think that Grey Dawn is becoming more rare and probably soon out of print. It used to be on the Century Media site and is now no longer there anymore.
Erik said:
Hah, I just won "Rain Without End" on eBay for €40.50. You gotta do what you gotta do.
:ill: that's ridiculous! :loco:
I understand that someone wants to keep track on different things of his or her favorite band. But it's a pity those damn things have to cost that much.

though 'Rain without End' is a very good Cd.

Np. Atrophy - Violent By Nature
Sater said:
I recently bought Rain Without End for €7,- on a big metalmarket.
Just as I bought Jhva Elohim Meth...The Revival MCD for €3 on a second-hand cd-shop. :)

Eventually I managed to order Grey Dawn from Relapse, using Mozilla (Linux). No luck with Opera or Internet Explorer. Anyway I got the CD in my mailbox yesterday! Finally!!! Thank you, Erik
samoniac said:
Just as I bought Jhva Elohim Meth...The Revival MCD for €3 on a second-hand cd-shop.

Hehe, I just recently found the CD version of Jhva Elohim Meth in a used CD store for about $4. Tee hee! I now have pretty much everything Katatonia's released. Up to LFDGD, anyway. I still lack the Dance of December Souls vinyl though.
Ah. I just found Grey Dawn and I can tell you it's one hell of an album. I'm so happy right now. :D Now I NEED to find Rain Without End. Maybe if I wish for it very much, it will come true. :eek: That happened with Jhva Elohim Meth. :)