Rain Without End Shirt?!?!

Apr 25, 2004
Oxfordshire, UK
Ok, so the 'Grey Dawn' October Tide shirts were totally fucking awesome, and if I remember rightly they were specifically described as being probably the only October Tide shirts that will ever surface, but I've been thinking for a while now how amazing it would be if there was a limited run of Rain Without End shirts in the same vein as the rest of the awesome limited run's of shirts that have been coming out recently? It's no doubt just indulging in fantasy but I absolutely adore the artwork to the album, it's along with BMD pretty much my favourite album ever and I just think a RWE shirt would look fucking fantastic...guess it's a kinda pointless thread but does anyone else feel the same?
Yeah the artwork on this album is excellent. It would make a really cool shirt.
only messin, there probably wouldnt be enough demand for it
Oh, phew, good, thought I missed out there. Yes, they would be cool. I want a JEM shirt bad, especially if it was of the cover art.
Nah, there's no JEM shirt, but I've been asking for one for a long time now. I've got a specific design in mind that I suggested to Jesse and everyone on this board, but it seems that Jesse already has his own idea for a JEM shirt. That's fine with me, but it's been a long time since that thread, and still no word of a JEM shirt....
Back on topic: would anyone else be interested in this? I think there would be as much interest as there have been for other shirts, and maybe if we put enough pressure on the powers that be we could get the shirt might see the light of day! ;) Thanks for the responses people I thought I wasn't the only one!