
bigger fan of new-skool grind influenced metalcore like Bodies In The Gears or Watchmaker than traditional... old grind just doesnt do it for me...

I got that Repulsion disc a while ago and it was awesome tho...
I agree grindcore songs are too fucking short, although grindcore is my favourite genre after death, black and doom metal. I reccomend Lust Of Decay, Extreme Violence, Haemorrhage, Saprogenic but still my favourite grindcore band is Fuck...I'm Dead.
I think longer songs would make grindcore be really annoying. I think the short songs make it better. I enjoy Fuck... I'm Dead, Pig Destroyer, and He Who Corrupts.
swizzlenuts said:
Pig Destroyer

...gets 2x badgers


Ethical Banking Subscriber, Put yourself in HIS hands Wed Mar 01, 2006 6k

look, this is the kind of shit i get in my email what is up wit that
I'm only just getting into grindcore but what I have liked so far is

Napalm Death, Carcass (early), Nasum, Pig Destroyer & Agoraphobic Nosebleed