growls low in the mix

They aren't "low in the mix" they're just more evened out. It's certainly nothing that would make a band more accessible or a big deal at all.

If they wanted to become as Mainstream as Avenged Sevenfold they would have include any growl on the CD :D
They wouldn't have a song like Heir Apparent, which is arguably their most crushing yet or do 8-11 minute songs. Plus what's considered more accessible to the roadrunner crowd? They've had, and still have some pretty fucking heavy bands, and a lot heavier than their past label Koch's artists.
I think the growls sounded less evil(Heir Apparent probably being an exception) on this album,a little to how they did on the Blackwater Park and Deliverance anyway.But that was what I thought for Ghost Reveries and it dosen't make much difference to me and dosen't lessen my opinion of Watershed as an album in any way or form.
I don't think they were trying to be more accessible either. If they wanted to do that they would release more albums like Damnation.

However, the difference to me is large enough that I do believe it was a deliberate decision.

I'll say it again though, I'm loving this album more each time I play it.
I didn't realise they were low in the mix, I realised that they were few and far between but even in that case, the music itself isn't easy on the mainstream audience and I have witnessed that first-hand.

On another note, Still Life wont leave my head alone!
I love watershed, but the only problem i have with it are that the growls are very low in the mix...

was this intentional?

I can't help but feel this was to make it "easier" to digest for mainstream roadrunner records audiences.

Of course, when Opeth plays live, all the vocals are at the same mix so it doesn't really matter much.

Just getting that off my chest and seeing if anyone else agrees with me.


I'd think the growls are low in the mix so as to make them even harder to distinguish than they already were.
Reading twice this thread, I just find it ridiculous. No matter if the low-shit thing was intentional or not, some say it's good and others that it's bad, but in the end, the album is just fucking crazy and its just the beginning for them!
the growls are pretty much buried but its fine who cares
i think it adds to that special watershed atmosphere
I love watershed, but the only problem i have with it are that the growls are very low in the mix...

was this intentional?

I can't help but feel this was to make it "easier" to digest for mainstream roadrunner records audiences.

Of course, when Opeth plays live, all the vocals are at the same mix so it doesn't really matter much.

Just getting that off my chest and seeing if anyone else agrees with me.


I think they were too loud in the mix before.

And fuck off to everyone making all these negative threads in this forum.
I have to say that I don't like the vocal mix on Watershed, one thing I've always liked about Opeth albums has been the clean mixing, no effects whatsoever. The grunts on Heir Apparent especially... ugh.
Mike's vocals on Watershed are my favorite of any Opeth album. I did notice they sounded lower & I really like it that way.
More focus on the grooves & it sounds much more mature & accomplished. This is certainly not a raw sounding album. It's a very polished piece of work.
Mike's vocals on Watershed are my favorite of any Opeth album. I did notice they sounded lower & I really like it that way.
More focus on the grooves & it sounds much more mature & accomplished. This is certainly not a raw sounding album. It's a very polished piece of work.

I agree. I don't know if it's the recording or an extra brutality on Mike's part, but his growls are fucking awesome (and somewhat scarce, unfortunately) in this record.

Especially Heir Apparent. The part from "And again he rides...." till the end of the song is an astonishing example of growling brutally!


In my opinion, Watershed sounds a lot more dynamic than the previous albums - both in terms of compositions and sound production. You can discern the instruments better than before and yet there's enough space to make the album sound massive. I don't really understand how some people here perceive it as catering for the masses, it just doesn't make any sense. The way they mix the album doesn't affect the fact the actual compositions themselves are uncompromising and original. Furthermore, there's no rule that says that vocals should dominate the overall sound - certainly not in metal. I really like the way the growling is treated as an instrument among others on Watershed. There are time Mikael's growling gets more focus and there are times when it blends to the overall sound.
In my opinion, Watershed sounds a lot more dynamic than the previous albums - both in terms of compositions and sound production. You can discern the instruments better than before and yet there's enough space to make the album sound massive. I don't really understand how some people here perceive it as catering for the masses, it just doesn't make any sense. The way they mix the album doesn't affect the fact the actual compositions themselves are uncompromising and original. Furthermore, there's no rule that says that vocals should dominate the overall sound - certainly not in metal. I really like the way the growling is treated as an instrument among others on Watershed. There are time Mikael's growling gets more focus and there are times when it blends to the overall sound.

Definitely their most dynamic record, and not just in songs, but song to song. That's why Coil into Heir is imo the highlight of the record. I definitely think Mikes vocals are easily the best yet, and not just in grows, but the cleans he's trying a lot more techniques, and he's just improved overall. As far as growls I think Heir Apparent is his most crushing, and best yet hands down. And as I said before the vocals are more leveled making them a part of the whole instead of dominating taking away from the instruments where in a band like this you want to hear everything, which is the exact reason why the production is the way it is. It just makes more sense. Also how the mix is they are IN NO WAY BURIED, and are still crushing.