GSP 1101 as rack impulse loader


Feb 15, 2009
I was looking for a nice rack based multi fx unit for my rig when I came acroos this:

From what I've read it is more transparant, durable and flexible than a Gmajor2 for about the same price. Piqued my interest! Read some more, and it seems you can hook it up so all the effects are in the right place, and you can switch between the built in preamps or external preamps no problem. Not a fan of the cleans on my e530 so switching between a decent enough fender sim and my e530 high gain tones, big yes here!

Then I read that 3 days ago an update came out which allows for users to upload 10 impulses!

I'm pretty exited about all this, and will probably pick one up next week with the floor controller. I can hook it up direct to a PA with my e530 and my fav impulses, or run it e530 with effects into my tube poweramp, or run the usb into my computer for a quick recording with e530 and impulses in the unit, or even plug in my headphones for the e530 + impulses without even using a computer.

Thought sneapsters might be interested in this recent update
yeah thats indeed interesting
you could make an impulse of your recording chain after the preamp and have the same live and studio sound
of course recording tones aren't always ideal for live, but one of the most important aspects of live gigs is people recognizing the songs they've already heard on an album, and if the tone is the same its good

only thing i ask myself is if its possible to have one side with impulse for the PA, and the other side without for the poweramp
Yeah I have been meaning to try this out with my GSP1101. But it looks like it was taken down for some tweaks. Not totally sure but most of the links are now dead.

It is still a bit tricky since you have to take the impulse and convert it into the GSP1101 code. There is an included Java program to do this. The impulse will only load 128 taps but maybe 256 taps if you are fine with mono. It isn't totally clear:

So that may affect the sound quality some, similar to shortening the impulse length. To my ears there was always a threshold where I could start to tell.

People have been requesting clips and such comparing the difference, so I would wait till those get posted. I was all ramped up with some time to make some, but with the updaters being down, I will have to wait till they are back up.

On the flipside though, the onboard sims actually are decent enough for live use and the unit is a very solid unit for the price. It is actually the only one I have used (and I have gone through them all under $500 so no Axe-FX or 11R) that actually feels right and can be punchy without being harsh, muddy, or overly fizzy.

I used mine with an e530, but I stopped since I could actually dial in a better tone with the 5150 model onboard. There is also an e530 preset on Digitech's site that is remarkably close, definitely good enough for live use. I still have the e530 for recording, but live, I just run the GSP1101 into a Carvin BX500 (Bass amp, but FX return is pre-graphic EQ and pre tube circuit) into a 4x12. Killer tone, 500Watts, and the BX500 is only 5lbs.

For live I prefer having the cab mic'd since most sound guys can wrap their head around that. Even though 99% of the time I aim the mic for them. But we go direct for rehearsal, and it sounds pretty damn good. Impulses are better, but even without, the GSP1101 is still worth it for the pre and post FX and connection options.
You rock man! Thanks! Got em!

I find it to be very transparent. Originally I ran it in 4CM with my ENGL Powerball and used loop switchers and a Rocktron Xpression. It is as transparent as any of those. I mean really nothing is totally transparent and it bothers me. Maybe it is placebo, I don't know, but any buffer or anything and I can hear and feel a difference.

So... that being said, it is as transparent as anything else I have used.

I will say this though, with my ENGL Powerball, the Powerball is so damn compressed that it was a bit noisy. In one band I am in, the other guitarist had one as well and it was also noisy with the Powerball. e530, Mark III, Carvin X100B, Fender HRdlx, Carvin V3... all silent, well not any noisier than the head itself. Really weird, but something to keep in mind. The Powerball is whisper quiet otherwise and I used an old Zoom GFX-8 in 4CM with no noise problems at all.
Oh god that's great! you can load your impulse!
Finally something from digitech that is really worth it! ....uhm well I forgot that they had another great product, the bad monkey!
I think I'm revaluating this company!
I hope this product doesn't sound like their plastic preamps!
Their old stuff from some years ago wasn't so great: 2112 2120 2120artist
I never checked in person their new stuff.
When I heard Megadeth live and found out afterwards that they used to use this unit, I was pretty impressed. However, I'm not completely sure any more if I heard the 1101 that night as I don't know exactly when they made the witch to the Axe-FX.
Well sadly no. This is a beta firmware release spearheaded by essentially a rogue developer... the guy doesn't even play guitar, but he sure knows his DSP programming. There is essentially zero support from Digitech beyond them knowing about it and not shutting the site down and firing the developer.

Personally if it wasn't for him, the GSP1101 I think would be dead. I would still use it for FX, but that would be it. Even the RP500/1000 come with more models than the stock GSP1101. The beta firmware is what made it even remotely usable as an actual tone machine, not just FX.

Lots of people upset at Digitech regarding this product which does sound great now and with support could be quite the amazing piece at the price. Oh well...

Hmm... other Digitech products... their Jamman Loopers are the best out there by far. Bad Monkey, their Hardwire line is also great. So not totally worthless, but I sure wish their long term support for their products was better. Someday I hope to invest in in Axe-FX and compare. Or at least find a buddy with one to compare.

But these days I am pretty happy with the GSP1101. Even if the impulses only sound mostly as good as on a computer, just being able to use my own or the many great free ones or Recabinet or Redwire will be HUUUGE!

I have sessions tonight, tomorrow night and Friday. So hopefully I can squeeze in Thursday or this weekend to mess with it.
Digitech contacted me about this update when it was in beta. Seems like it could be great or terrible depending on the implementation; I don't have a test unit so I can't make any comments either way. Curious to see what people think though.
Digitech contacted me about this update when it was in beta. Seems like it could be great or terrible depending on the implementation; I don't have a test unit so I can't make any comments either way. Curious to see what people think though.

Digitech confirmed at one point that they will rework V49 for an official update release sometime in the future. Not 100% dead, but these beta updates are as good as any from what I've read.
Looks like the mustbebeta link was taken down for a re-working due to bugs. And there is already talk of a c50 to update the last of the kinks that need to be worked out. Hopefully it's cool, i'm still using the digitech official release and never bothered to update to c48. When all the kinks are worked out i'll definitely be updating.

Congrats Shane, as it looks like is getting pretty much a full endorsement from Stan the developer, so hopefully that boosts business for you.
I think this is a great product. I'm a big Megadeth fan. Just wan't to say I saw Megadeth a thousand times here in Argentina. But the sound never was as bad as this year (2010) in the same place the played sometimes before (Luna Park). Especially the guitars. I know obviusly there are lot of factors. Maybe the Engineer isn't getting the best tone out of the new gear. Never Megadeth sound that bad. Does anyone around the globe saw Megadeth this year? How was the tone ?
I think this is a great product. I'm a big Megadeth fan. Just wan't to say I saw Megadeth a thousand times here in Argentina. But the sound never was as bad as this year (2010) in the same place the played sometimes before (Luna Park). Especially the guitars. I know obviusly there are lot of factors. Maybe the Engineer isn't getting the best tone out of the new gear. Never Megadeth sound that bad. Does anyone around the globe saw Megadeth this year? How was the tone ?

Saw them rocking the Axe-FX like 2 months ago, the tone was great! Mixing engineer was sucking balls though, put the solos way too loud and the rhythm guitars too soft. Bass was overpowering everything. Core tone was good though, best of the evening.
I don't know if they still rocked the 1101 when I saw 'deth at Priest feast last year, but their sound was simply amazing. Then I saw them again a few months ago at Sonisphere when they were definitely rocking the Axe-FX and the sound was still phenomenal. But Dave's "singing" live seemingly gets worse and worse with every year.
Version C50 is out today. I probably won't update till it's been a bit and any bugs are reported. Just a heads up.
128 taps means 128 samples. That's about 2,8ms of IR. With the proper windowing, you'll still get a horrible IR, but it might still be better than nothing. To get all frequencies in a cab, you'll need at least 23ms or 1024 taps/samples.

Still, might be awesome. ;)