GTA IV = best game ever

there was a shitload of stuff to do in SA

all the planes, helicopters, fast cars, boats, you could jump from planes, explore the countryside, million side missions, stunts, etc... etc... etc...
I don't even know how much time I spent just dicking around in the countryside in SA. I'd go into that one parking garage in Northeast Los Santos where you would always find the fastest bike in the game, then just jet up the road into the mountains and do some off roading.
I don't even know how much time I spent just dicking around in the countryside in SA. I'd go into that one parking garage in Northeast Los Santos where you would always find the fastest bike in the game, then just jet up the road into the mountains and do some off roading.

definately, the game easily had 200+ hours of gameplay.
The only missions that were ever really hard in GTA were missions where you had to protect an NPC following you around, and that was mostly due to AI stupidity rather than actual challenge. Sometimes the driving missions/races were sort of hard. You'd have to get lucky and have the other cars crash into stuff. Once you were in first, the computer could never catch you.

It looks like it'll be a really good game, but for me, the question is: Am I willing to pay $600 for a PS3 to play it?
It looks like it'll be a really good game, but for me, the question is: Am I willing to pay $600 for a PS3 to play it?

Yeah, fuck that. I'm definitely waiting for the PC version.

...Of course, I'll probably have to pay at least $600 in PC upgrades to be able to play it anyway.
Running from the cops was always a bit of a hassle while on a mission, especially in VCS, if you ask me. Fucking shit load of psycho cops, throwing spike strips left and right and ALWAYS shooting out your tires. And God forbid it rained when you were trying to drive anywhere. Apparently, the programmers think it rains bacon fat in Florida because whenever it rained, your car always seems to slide all over the place.
Running from the cops was always a bit of a hassle while on a mission, especially in VCS, if you ask me. Fucking shit load of psycho cops, throwing spike strips left and right and ALWAYS shooting out your tires. And God forbid it rained when you were trying to drive anywhere. Apparently, the programmers think it rains bacon fat in Florida because whenever it rained, your car always seems to slide all over the place.

Everytime you drove you probably floored it so it makes sense that any car would be tough to handle in the rain.