GTA: San Andreas


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
okay... it's "off-topic" time!

I got this as a somewhat early Christmas myself of course, my wife HATES this game. Not becasue of it's content, but because of the time I spend with it! :tickled:

so... who's got this thing? any thoughts?

I've learned more about the ghetto and being an O.G. than I ever thought I would... Damn! Gotta love Samuel L. Jackson's voice as a character... perfection! you know this guy, he's that bad Mo Fo in every damn movie out in the last 10 years!

What?! are you serious? :loco:
You've gotten to 84% already?

I've probably spent well over 30+ hours on it, and have barely reached 25%. christ this game is HUGE!

Some of the side missions (Firetruck, vigilante, abulance) are goddamn hard! Trying to find the purple speck (people/cars) on the map over the black lines (the streets) is a real bitch... not to mention, I think the police are much more aggressive on this game comapred to the last ones.

my favorite character quotes from walking by people on the street:

"Do you shower in doo doo?"
"I have crabs the size of baseballs!"
"Have you ever fucked a cat in the ass?"

:tickled: :lol::tickled:

so... being that your up their in the Norway... what's you opinon on playing an American, O.G. thug from San Andreas? LMAO! Believe it or not, they have the whole gangster thing down pretty good in this game.

I know, this game is massive! I've done all the story missions(some of those are quite hard), I used 30+ tries on a couple, like the plain mission(circle+ land). I've done some of the extra stuff, like pimpin, courier, the schools, races etc.

Right now i'm doing snapshots, gambling and having a good time :tickled:

I don't have any problems with the gangster theme. I think it's really cool.
:D I really loved the themes of the other games aswell.

There's to many bugs in the game in my opinion, but it's the ultimate game as a whole. It got everything.

Later Dawg!
okay... being that you've made it so far in the game, I have two questions for you, these are driving me nuts! (no pun intended!) :tickled:

1. how the hell to you weild two weapons at once? I have made "hitman" status on several small caliber wepaons, but can't figure out for the life of me how to get CJ to hold two weapons at once, as I was told it's possible to do so once you get up to "himan" on the wepons (except the shotgun).

2. where/ how do you get the pimpin' missions? don't I have to jack some guy out of a particluar type of car? what car do i need to look for? I want to be a pimp daddy! :Spin:

So far this game has become one of my favorites of the series, but I seem to be more partial to "Vice City" since I grew up as an "80's kid". LOL! :lol:

As far as I know, the TEC9-smg is the only weapon you can hold two at the same time.That's the only weapon I've noticed it anyway. I think you'll get the ability later in the game.

The pimpin mission are by a car wash in Idlewood(los Santos).
Not far from the nightclub. Just enter the car(pimpmobile) and push R3.

Do you know how to play basketball?

I really enjoyed the Miami Vice/Scarface theme in vice city. I'm an 80's kid too so. But I think Gta3 had the coolest atmosphere. Got to love that Godfather/Goodfellas theme.

Later, I've got to feed my bitches.

P.I.M.P :loco:
San Andreas is one of the best games of the year... a bigger jump for the series than I could've thought possible, certainly as big a jump as it was from GTA2 to GTA3. Having got used to GTA3 and VC on the Xbox, I do miss having custom soundtracks (imagine it - Ministry, PWEI, The Almighty, WASP, Thunder... and that's just staying in the game's time period of the early '90s), and it chugs a bit when there's a lot going on, but that aside, this game is fuckin' awesome and keeps getting better.

(It's criminal that the soundtrack omits 'Fuck Tha Police' by NWA and 'Cop Killer' by Body Count, though. All the more reason for an Xbox version down the line!)

My top five games of the year that I've played thus far:

1. BloodRayne 2 (Xbox/PS2)
2. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords (Xbox)
3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)
4. Thief: Deadly Shadows (Xbox/PC)
5. Gradius V (PS2)

A strong showing for the PS2 given how much of an Xbox nut I am (Thief and BR2 I played on the Xbox, incidentally). And yes, I have played Halo 2, and while it's still awesome, these games are (IMO) all better. Just to hammer home that point, if you have a PS2 and don't own Gradius V, you should be strung up by the testicles.

Assuming you have testicles, that is.
that is one of the reasons I am seriously considering getting an XboX here fairly soon! Customized soundtrack? oh yeah! I remember 1992 very well, and a good custom soundtrack would be choice! I jsut have to convince the wife to alow it... since she is already threatening to take away my GTA: San Andreas because I spend more of my "free time" on it that anything else. :ill:

I still can't get over how HUGE the game is... not just in a linear sense, but in the options and game play as well. It almost seems endless. You get your moneys worth out of it, that's for sure. I'll bet $20 buck they come up with an "on-line" GTA down the raod... much like they did with Everquest and Final Fantasy.

So far, this is the only game I've had time to spend on... I've taken a crack at EVil Dead: Fistfull of Boombstick, which is quite basic, but man, it's damn fun for the price! And anything with Bruce Camblee is pretty much brilliant. :D

I've got the latest Leagacy of Kain/Soul reaver game to check out which is still sitting here unplayed.... and one day if I get a hair up my ass, I'll finish Tombraider: Angel of Darkness. boy... that was a disapointment. the graphics are excellent, but it's the same ol' jittery, frustrating gameplay, not to mention, I didn't need one cheat due to difficulty. No wonder Edios and Core split up over this one. All the reviews were right on that one, thank god I got it for $4.00!

The new Prince of Persia is next on my list, as well as the latest Silent hill. However, I am still looking to get an Xbox, and would like to get Bloodrayne 2 on that sucker instead of PS2! ...and possibly Chornicles of Riddick... so I can battle Jens. Muahahaha!

oh yes... and the new The Getaway is coming soon... THAT is THE game I'm most anticipating. I loved the first game, and beat that sucker 4 times, both character scenarios.... I don't know why, but I loved the whole underground London crime theme. the best recomendation from Mr. Luna, hands down!

And we all know that's why Ruined Luna moved from London to the U.S., he was wanted by the Soho mob himself! hahaha! :p

Okay, so San Andreas has now been announced for Xbox! Comes out June 7th. Still a way off, but I can deal. :)

Dustin, your backlog of games is starting to get as long as mine! You've got some good games listed there, too. Incidentally, Chronicles Of Riddick is awesome as hell but only single-player. (It says Xbox Live on the box, but that's just for Live Aware, not actual multiplayer.)

That backlog can only double (at least) if you get an Xbox... but in the meantime, if you have any love for old-style arcade shoot-'em-up games, but want to see how such a game would be realised on a modern(-ish) system, for the love of all that is unholy, get yourself Gradius V.

Oh, and multiplayer GTA is a reality - the PC versions of GTA3 and Vice City were modded by fans to create such a thing. Which, apparently, rocks.