guess the amp


nah, seriously, i've got no clue :p
Mark Series Boogie?

Edit: or looking at what kind of amps everyone else is guessing, maybe these headphones are worse than I thought :D
Hahaha, yeah, I intentionally listened before scrolling all the way down in the thread, and I had a feeling it was the JSX. Not bad, but still too fizzy/lifeless, I know that tone all too well! And MAN, what an awesome riff, did you write that? Oh wait... :D
emg81 (metaltastic) 808 (9:00, 10:00, 12:00) JSX (6l6 powertubes!) mesa recto cab, sm57+beyer m160--api rme


pres: 4
master: 9.2
treb: 4
mid: 3
bass: 5.3

fx-loop: both maxed

this is the lead channel I'm guessing? the orange channel is the exact same as the triple xxx if I recall correctly and I remember that having some more harmonic frequency content.

still great tone!
Hahaha, yeah, I intentionally listened before scrolling all the way down in the thread, and I had a feeling it was the JSX. Not bad, but still too fizzy/lifeless, I know that tone all too well! And MAN, what an awesome riff, did you write that? Oh wait... :D

hehe, yeah, I guess my powerball is your JSX ;)

about the riff...
nah, it sucks, I wrote it one night when I was drunk and had to throw up like crazy....feel free to use it though, if you wanna do any shootouts with it I'd send you the DI ;)